Chapter 16

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A/N It's snowing where I live and it is so bright outside, holy moly!

Italics = Thoughts

------ = Timeskip/Scene Change


Your POV

"Alright! 10-minute break everyone! Then, we're continuing the choreography we started last week!" Iwata-sensei exclaimed, clapping her hands. You sighed and walked over to your bag, pulling your water bottle out. 

"Girl, holy crap! Your arm movements were sharp!" Holly exclaimed, running up with her own water bottle in hand. You took a drink of your water before looking up at her. "Thanks," you replied, giving a lazy smile. "Your's was too,"

"Thanks!" she exclaimed as Sora and Amea walked up. "So... how was the volleyball club?" Sora asked, wiggling his eyebrows. You stood up and let out a chuckle. "Eh, it was pretty good. I finally met the team's libero," you replied. 

"What was he like?" Kosuke asked as he walked up. "Oh, well, he was shorter than me, which was one thing. I swear everyone on the team are giants," you said, taking another drink of your water. "Or you're just short," Holly remarked. 

You narrowed your eyes a little at the blonde-haired girl, who just laughed in response. You sighed through your nose. "Anyway, he's shorter than me. He's also a second year. Has this little tuft of blond hair right above his forehead as well," you explained, looking at the ground in concentration.

"Wait a sec, is his name Nishinoya Yuu by any chance?" Holly asked, throwing her arms out slightly. "Oh, yeah, why do you ask?" you asked, raising an eyebrow. "Yo, I know him! I went to Chidoriyama around the same time as him! We were on different volleyball teams, but I remember watching his receives once," Holly explained. 

"Cool," Sora said, his mouth full of energy bar. You nodded. "Yeah, his receives are pretty good. Oh, and he also promised me ice cream since I called him senpai," you said, drinking your water again. "Lucky!" Amea exclaimed before drinking her own water. 

"What about ice cream?" Kazumi asked, running up. "Sorry, Iwata-sensei had to talk to me," "Eh, it's fine. I met the volleyball team's libero and he promised to get me ice cream," you explained. Kazumi nodded. "Oh, okay," she replied.

"Oh! Kazumi, since you're here, I have someone to tell you about," Amea said, turning to Kazumi. Amea looked at you, silently asking for permission to talk about your team captain. You nodded and Amea smiled. "Okay, so, as you know, there was a practice game between (Y/N)'s team and Seijoh's male volleyball team yesterday. On (Y/N)'s team, there was this dude who was the team captain, Daichi, right?" Amea asked, turning to you again. 

You nodded. "Yeah, Daichi," you replied. "Anyway, Daichi is total daddy material. I had a feeling you'd appreciate it if I told you," Amea told Kazumi. Kazumi smiled. "Wait, seriously? Do you have a picture of him?" she asked, clearly looking excited. 

"I don't, sorry," Amea replied, scratching the back of her neck. "Awwww..." Kazumi whined, slumping a bit. "I can take a picture of him if you'd like," you offered. Kazumi immediately perked up again. "PLEASE-" she exclaimed, looking at you with wide eyes. 

You chuckled. "Sure. I'll have it by Friday," you replied. "THANK YOU SO MUCH!" she exclaimed, slapping her hands on her cheeks. "You know, for a mom friend, you're a pretty big simp," Kosuke remarked. "Oh shut it!" Kazumi replied, pouting. 

"Hey, speaking of your practice game, how was it?" Sora asked. "Oh, it was pretty good. My team won actually," you replied. "Wait, seriously? I heard that Seijoh has 1 of the 4 best male volleyball teams in the prefecture," Holly remarked. "Yeah, we did. I also met Mr. Popular, so-" you started.

"Wait, you did? He didn't do anything, did he?" Kazumi butt in. "No, he didn't, but he did try to flirt with me," you mentioned. "What?" Kazumi asked, lifting her eyebrows. "He also tried to get my number," 


"Hey, it's fine, I didn't give it," you said. "But she did get his best friend's number," Amea remarked, smirking slightly. "What? He's fine as hell!" you exclaimed, crossing your arms. Kosuke started to laugh while Kazumi just yelled, "WHAT?!"

"What does he look like?" Sora asked curiously. "Well, he has-"

"5 more minutes everyone! 5 more minutes!" Iwata-sensei called out, looking around the room. You and your friends blinked at her for a few moments before looking back at each other. You all blinked at each other before laughing at the awkwardness between the 6 of you.

"Wait, remember the dance move I've been practicing?" Holly asked, turning to Sora. "Yeah?" he replied. "I think I've got the hang of it, come on!" the blonde-haired girl said, walking away. Sora followed, and the group dispersed. 

You were about to walk over when you were stopped. "Hey, (Y/N)?" 

You turned around to see Amea standing behind you. "Yeah?" you replied, turning around to face her. She chuckled nervously. "Well, uh, I wanted to ask you something... I was wondering... Would you like to hang out sometime? Like, outside of practice, like, as in a d-"


The two of you looked over at your friend group, who was trying to help Holly - and surprisingly Kosuke as well - twerk. "You have to get your back into it! Move your core!" Sora exclaimed, laughing at the end. 

You and Amea laughed at their shenanigans. "Wait, girl, no, you need to crouch more," you called out. Holly looked at you. "Like this?" she asked, crouching down completely. "No- just- hold on!" you exclaimed, hurrying over. 

Amea smiled at you before looking at the ground. Dangit... Maybe I should've asked sooner? She thought, disappointed. She had been hyping herself up for most of the class to ask you out, but she was sadly interrupted. She sighed and looked up, a determined look on her face. 

I'll ask (Y/N) again when there are fewer people around.

Amea quickly walked over, joining in on the twerk education session. 

Outside the studio, a tall, long-haired male walked by the window. He turned and looked in slightly, only to see you and your friends trying to twerk.

 His eyes widened and he sped away, a blush on his face.


A/N Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I hope you are all having a wonderful day, no matter if you're single, taken, or in love with a fictional character! I'll try to have a Valentine's Day special out either today, tomorrow, or the next day! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you all next time! (っ ͡◕ ₃ ͡◕)っ🎔

Peace Out Peeps! -PrincessTunaFish

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