Chapter 28

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-April 27, 2021-

A/N I just finished reading the Haikyuu manga and I'm not sure how to feel- But it helped me think of some plot points that will develop (Y/N)'s character + her past! Also, today you shall witness the fact that I simp for Fukunaga quite a bit-

Italics = Thoughts

--- = Timeskip/Scene Change


Your POV

"(L/N), look! It's Kenma!"

"Kenma!" Hinata exclaimed, running over to the pudding-headed boy. You sighed, taking a drink of your coffee. Oh, so that Kenma guy was part of the Nekoma team? I mean, I probably should've known because of hit jacket and stuff, so-

The training camp had gone by in a flash, and the day of the practice game against Nekoma had arrived.

"(L/N)" you heard someone say behind you. You turned around so come face to face with Kiyoko. She held out your bag. "You left this on the bus," she said, giving you a small smile. You nodded, taking your bag from her hand. "Thanks, I didn't even realize..." you replied, sipping your coffee.

She chuckled, making you choke on your coffee a bit. You felt your face heat up, and you looked to the side. "Come on, we should probably head over to the gym," Kiyoko said, walking up to your left side. You nodded, following the black-haired girl, the two of you chatting with each other.

"Yeah, and then he joined her, and then that led to the rest of us joining-" you said, using hand motions.

"Two girls- Hot-" a voice cried out, making you raise an eyebrow.

"Easy on the eyes!"

"They have two managers! Does that mean we'll get double the yakisoba?"

You peeked out from behind Kiyoko, seeing a boy with a blonde mohawk, a boy with black, middle-parted hair, and a boy with brown spiky hair, all wearing the Nekoma team uniform.

Yo, the blonde dude looks like he's about to take a shi-

Kiyoko sighed through her nose and placed a hand on the small of your back, guiding you past the boys. You felt your face heat up at the contact, your eyes widening slightly. I- what the- she's touching me-

"Uh... Do you have to go through that type of thing every day?" you asked, trying to think past the fact that your face felt like it was on fire. She sighed. "Yes, Tanaka and Nishinoya I'm used to, but when people I don't know do that, it annoys me a bit," she replied. You nodded.

"I am so sorry," you said. "Huh? It's not your fault though, plus, I know how to make them back off if they become too much," she replied, giving you a wink. You felt your face heat up more and nodded, taking another drink of your coffee.

From a few meters away, a certain pudding-head boy stared as you and Kiyoko walked into the gym.

She's so familiar... Why can't I remember where I saw her? He thought. He looked to the side, wracking his brain for an idea of where you were from. I probably saw her sometime in the past... Why am I so hung up on trying to find out who this girl is?

He turned around, about to walk into the gym himself, when he froze.

Wait a sec... Is she that girl from a few years ago? The one that talked to me about Subnautica? Her hair and facial features were similar, but I'm not sure...


It was Kenma's first year of middle school, and he had begrudgingly joined Kuroo on the volleyball team.

Dancing, Coffee, and Volleyball | Haikyuu X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now