Chapter 17

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A/N It's been a hot minute since I've updated-

Italics = Thoughts

---- = Timeskip/Scene Change


Your POV

You took a large gulp from your thermos of coffee, sighing afterward. Your insomnia was worse than usual last night, so you were more tired than normal. Hell, you struggled to stay awake in class more than usual!

As you felt your eyes droop again, you felt a tap on your shoulder. You sprang up, eyes widened. "What? No! I wasn't dozing off! Not one bit-" you exclaimed, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. You looked to your left to see Kageyama and Hinata standing there, looking nervous. 

"Oh, uh- Hey guys, you need something?" you asked, raising an eyebrow. Hinata looked at you, blushing at your half-lidded eyes. Woah... Her eyes... they pierce through my fricking soul- No! Just ask what you need to ask!

"Well, um, we wanted to ask-" Hinata started.

"Come with us to the third-year classrooms!" Kageyama exclaimed, a blush on his face. 

You raised your eyebrow higher. "I- Why do you need to go there?" you asked, confusion lacing your tired voice. "We want to meet the team's ace, and well- we're too scared to go there on our own!" Hinata exclaimed, pressing his lips into a fine line. 

You smiled slightly before chuckling, making both boys blush harder. 

Her laugh sounds so melodic!  They both thought.

"Sure, I'll go. As long as I can bring my thermos," you replied, giving them a lazy smile. "O-Of curse- course!" Kageyama said. "Yeah!" Hinata exclaimed. They both bowed, making you blink at them.

"Thank you!" they both exclaimed, gaining attention from the people nearby. 

"I- guys, you don't need to do that- What the hell?-" 


You, Hinata, and Kageyama stood outside class 3-3, the freak quick duo whisper-yelling to each other. 

"You go in first,"

"You were the one who wanted to see the ace so bad, remember?" Kageyama replied to Hinata. 

You took another large gulp of coffee. All this coffee, and there isn't enough to wash away the exhaustion and despair in my soul-

"B-But, I'm way too scared to walk into a third-year classroom!" Hinata exclaimed. "Please wait Asahi!" Sugawara exclaimed, making you choke on your coffee.

"Huh? Asahi?" Hinata and Kageyama asked in unison, looking to the side. You coughed quietly and followed their gazes, looking up at the dude that you didn't realize was next to you. "Yeah? What's up?" he asked, his voice deep-sounding.

Your eyes widened and you felt heat rise to your cheeks. 

This "Asahi" guy was easily over 6 feet, with a strong build and brown hair tied into a tight bun. He had some facial hair, but it was barely there, and he had brown eyes. 

Holy crap... This guy is...

"Pretty..." you mumbled out, awestruck. 

"H-Huh?!" Asahi exclaimed, his face flushing. Your eyes widened and you snapped out of your trance, your face heating up. "I, uh- crap, oh no, I'm sorry- I- I didn't mean to say that out loud, ah shi-" you panic rambled, your grip tightening on your thermos. 

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