Chapter 3

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A/N Atsumu Miya looks like Barry B. Benson. This has been stuck in my mind for the past 3 days, I literally can't get it out of my head.

Italics = Thoughts


Your POV

You yawned as you walked out of your last class of the day, a relieved smile displayed on your face. Hell yeah, first day and I managed to stay awake for all my classes! You swung your backpack that was in your hands onto your shoulders and made your way down the crowded hall. 

What to do now? I know I have to head home and grab my dance stuff, but I don't feel like going yet. Hm... Maybe I can find a place to do my homew-

"Hey, would you like to join the basketball club?" A random guy asked, popping up in front of you, startling you. "I- uh, no thanks, I'm good," you replied curtly, slipping past the guy, gripping the straps of your backpack. Okay, that was surprising.

You continued on your way down the hall, eventually heading out of the building. Well, I could get some coffee from a vending machine, and then do my homework somewhere. You pondered for a minute before nodding, telling yourself that was the plan. 

You turned right and walked over to where you found some vending machines during lunch. As you stood in front of one of them, you scanned the items until you finally found the canned coffee. You smiled and swung your backpack off your shoulders, searching in one of the front pockets for your duct tape wallet you made on a whim.

You eventually found it and pulled it out, throwing your backpack back onto your shoulders. As you looked through your wallet for the right amount of money, your attention was changed to the fact that the vice-principal was walking down the path towards the gym. Hm, I wonder why he's going to the gym.

You shrugged before inserting your money into the vending machine and pressing a button on it, making the canned coffee fall to the bottom. You pulled it out and quickly opened it up, taking a drink. You smiled as you brought the can away from your mouth.

Alright, I have my coffee. Now, time to find a place to do my homework. 

So, that's what you did. For the next 15 minutes, you searched around the school looking for a place to do your homework, but everywhere was too loud. You looked everywhere from the classrooms to the school rooftop, but somehow, everywhere was too loud. 

Eventually, you came back to where the vending machines were, throwing your now empty coffee can into the nearby trash. Geez, I can't find anywhere to work, plus my coffee is gone. And god forbid my brother found out I had too much...

You thought back to the two cans of coffee you had during lunch and shook your head. You scanned the area before your eyes landed on the gym building. Hm, maybe I could work in there...?

You started to walk down the concrete path towards one of the gym's doorways, looking at the concrete as you walked, slightly mesmerized by it. Eventually, you snapped out of it and looked up, seeing two boys standing in front of the gym doors you wanted to enter through. 

As you walked up, you spoke up and said, "Uh, excuse me?" Both boys turned to look at you, both with blank, but slightly curious stares. The first boy was short, probably around your height. He had fluffy orange hair and brown eyes, and if you were being honest, he looked like a middle-schooler. He's most likely not a middle schooler if he's here though.

The other boy was Kageyama, who you already knew from middle school and from your class. What is he doing here? Actually, more like, what are they both doing here? Eh, it's not my business, so I won't pry.

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