Chapter 31

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-July 19, 2021-

A/N It's Ushy Gushy time- There will be descriptions of killing a spider, just a heads up! Also, these are the updated texting nicknames for (Y/N) and her friends:

Yeetus - Amea

Mother - Kazumi

BRUH - Kosuke

Crackhead - Holly

Hangry - Sora

SisInsomnia - (Y/N)


Italics = Thoughts

--- = Timeskip/Scene Change


Your POV

"♪Maria, Maria~♪"

You sang along to the song playing from your phone, leaning down to pick up a shirt off your bedroom floor. Why are there so many shirts lying everywhere? Some of these have got to be (B/N)'s- How were your brother's shirts in your room? You'll never know.

It was finally the weekend, the rest of the week after the training camp going by like usual. You thought you could finally relax... but instead, your brother declared it to be a "cleaning day" as your parents were coming home on Monday. So now, you were vibing to your music playlist, all while cleaning your room. 

You sighed, chucking the shirt into your clothing hamper. You surveyed your room, hands on your hips. I don't see anything else... I'll probably run into a rogue sock later. What do I have after my room again? Cause I did my half of the kitchen, working on my room right now... oh, right, the bathroom-

You groaned, slouching. I really don't feel like cleaning the toilet-

You reached over to your desk, grabbing your mug of coffee and taking a sip. Mmmm, somehow still warm? I might get another cup in a bit. You put it back down, straightening your back. Alright, might as well get on with the next thing: That windowsill. Damn, it's dusty as hell-

You grabbed the duster you had on your desk, which was beside the window cleaner and other cleaning supplies you had grabbed. You hummed as the song playing from your phone changed from Maria by Hwasa to Beggin' by Måneskin. You pulled your curtains back, getting ready to start dusting, only to freeze.

There was a damn spider on the sill.

And it wasn't small.

"Oh heLL NO-" you screamed, throwing your curtains closed and rushing away, the duster clattering to the floor. "Hey! Are you okay?! What's going on up there?!" you heard (B/N) yell up from the kitchen, making you sweatdrop. "Nothing! I'm fine, just accidentally dropped something!" you yelled back. 

You looked back towards your curtains, eyebrows furrowed. You could deal with normal bugs, like ants and flies, but spiders? 

Hell no-

Okay, I have three options. One, walk out and potentially lose the fucker, then sleep in fear for the next two weeks... mmm, no. Two, go ahead and kill it with a shoe or something, with the risk that it'll splatter across the sill. Then three, go and ask (B/N) to kill it for me... I'll never hear the end of it though... You know what? I'll go with option two, screw this-

You crouched, gaze still locked onto your curtains. You smacked your hand around a few times before grabbing a sandle you had pulled out while cleaning. You stood back up, your heart pounding in your chest as you started to slowly stalk towards your window. 

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