Chapter 24

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-April 8, 2021-

A/N So, I decided to draw Kiyoko's older brother for reference to how he looks. It's not the best, but I was pretty happy with how it came out! So, meet Satoshi Kiyoko!

Italics = Thoughts

--- = Timeskip/Scene Change


Your POV

Finally, it was Wednesday.

Training camp day.

"Do you have everything?" Kiyoko asked, swinging her school bag over her shoulder. You held up the full duffle bag in your hands. "Yeah, I made sure to pack enough clothing, my hygiene products, a sleeping bag, and pillow-"

"Oh, you didn't need to bring a sleeping bag or pillow," Kiyoko said as you two walked down the concrete steps. "Huh?" you asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion. "I'll provide you with a place to sleep, don't worry," the black-haired female said with a smile. "O-Oh! Uh, I don't want to impose, I can just use my sleeping bag-" you started until you heard Kiyoko laugh lightly.

"It's fine, I insist," she said, smiling fondly at you. "Oh, uh, okay..." you replied, looking down at the ground as you felt your face heat up. Hm... so cute. Kiyoko thought as she looked forward.

The two of you walked out of the school gates, walking down the road. Kiyoko walked beside you feeling pleasantly content, while you were internally gay panicking. Should I say something? I can't tell if this is an awkward silence or not! This is my first time being absolutely alone with her! Why did I have to finish my coffee so fast earlier?

You gulped. "Um, so, are we heading towards the place first or your house?" you asked. You mentally facepalmed yourself. (Y/N) you idiot! We may not even be going to either of those places, we might be going somewhere else or-

"We're heading to my house. We need to drop our stuff off before we go to the place, you wouldn't want to be lugging around a heavy duffle bag, would you?" Kiyoko asked playfully, snapping you out of your thoughts. "Ah, no! Not really..." you replied. 

AAAAAAAAA Why are you so nervous?! Probably cause she's really pretty, and then there's the fact you are staying at her house for about a week, and she's literally your senpai-

"You know, I'm glad you became a manager," Kiyoko said, snapping you out of your thoughts. "Huh?" you replied, raising an eyebrow. "Even though you seem tired all the time, you're still reliable," she said, smiling at you. "It helps take the workload off my shoulders, it's a hard job taking care of those boys, especially when two of them are major simps," 

You nodded. "Yeah... They can be pretty chaotic if I'm being honest," you said with a slight chuckle at the end. "You can too," Kiyoko remarked. Your eyes widened. "During the practice match against Seijoh. When you were talking with your friend up there, you two were joking around so much," she mentioned.

"Ah... I'm sorry if we bothered you then, it's just a natural thing! We can't help but be chaotic-" 

Kiyoko started to laugh, and you looked away in embarrassment. "Don't worry, it's cute," she replied. If it was scientifically possible, smoke would've started spouting out your ears. You were pretty much mentally malfunctioning. I- Whe- Um, so- AAAAAAAAAAAAA-

"Oh! Uh, I- Mmm, thank you?" you replied, feeling your face heat up enough to rival the heat of 1,000 suns. "Mmm, you're welcome," she replied, looking forward with a smile on her face. (L/N) is so cute when she's flustered... It's nice seeing past her tired, casual front. Kiyoko thought fondly.

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