Chapter 26

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-April 15, 2021-

A/N So, I've been doing some character development for (Y/N)'s dance friends, and I hope to convey what I've written down for them in later chapters! They might act a bit differently due to this, but I hope it'll run smoothly!

Italics = Thoughts

--- = Timeskip/Scene Change


Your POV

"Time to run some laps!"


You watched as the boys walked over to the gym doors, their outdoor shoes lined up nearby. You sipped your canned coffee, going over the notes you took. I probably just rewrote information that I've written before... plus, they probably already know they need to work on these... Ugh, why do I suck at constructive criticism-

"Are you doing okay?"

You jumped and choked on the coffee in your mouth, gulping it down. You looked up, coming face-to-face with Kiyoko. "Ah! Yeah, uh, just going over notes," you replied, chuckling nervously at the end. You looked back at your notes, feeling your face heat up. 

Every time Kiyoko talked, or even remotely interacted with you, all you could remember was the morning when you had woken up with her arms wrapped around you.

You couldn't do anything around her without your face heating up to the heat of 1,000 suns. 

"Oh, you should probably let Tsukishima know that his elbows should be straighter. It might help him make his receives stronger," Kiyoko suggested, pointing at one line. You jumped, looking over to where she was standing next to you. She gave you a smile as you nodded.

"Y-Yeah," you replied, quickly looking back. "Uh, I'm gonna go join the boys with their running. I- uh, have a gut feeling that someone is gonna run off," you said, quickly closing your notebook. Kiyoko blinked, then smiled. "Okay, well, I can hold your stuff for you while you're out," she said, holding out her hands. 

You looked over at her and nodded, reaching out and letting her take your notebook and can of coffee. "Thank you," you replied quickly, turning and hurrying over to your duffle bag. You changed into your outdoor shoes and practically ran out the door, turning to go and join the boys.

Kiyoko's eyes went half-lidded and she smiled, watching as you hurried out. Hm, knew it. She's cute when she's flustered...


Your feet pounded against the concrete, your face aflame. She was standing so close, holy crap-

"Hinata! Stop yelling like a madman, you'll need that energy for the game!"

You snapped your gaze forward, seeing the back of the group and a familiar head of orange hair separating from it. You raised an eyebrow. I made an excuse so that my head wouldn't implode from being flustered, but I didn't actually expect someone to run off-

You shrugged and picked up the pace. You eventually passed by Ennoshita, Kinoshita, and Narita, giving them a wave, which they returned. You eventually made it to where Sugawara, Daichi, and Asahi were, running next to Sugawara. 

"Suga, could you go find him? He can't have him getting- oh, (L/N), when did you get here?" Daichi exclaimed, surprised at how you suddenly appeared. "Uh, just now. Had a gut feeling someone was gonna run off," you replied casually. Daichi nodded.

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