Chapter 23

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-April 7, 2021-

A/N I keep thinking back to the prototype I wrote of this story and how this story was almost called "Dancing Queen"-

Italics = Thoughts

--- = Timeskip/Scene Change


Your POV

"Yeah, I'm not gonna be here on Wednesday,"

"Noooooooooo," Holly whined, leaning her body weight on you. "Who's gonna be here for banter?" 

"And who's gonna get me my picture?" Kazumi asked, raising an eyebrow. You stumbled a bit, holding Holly up. "Look, it's not like I'll be gone forever! I'll be back on Friday!" you exclaimed. "But that's so long!" Amea said dramatically, falling against you opposite of Holly.

You shifted uncomfortably between the two girls. How do I get them off of me...? Oh, I know-

"I have tea," you said. "WHAT'S THE TEA-" Amea exclaimed, whipping around and slipping. "Oh crap-" you said, quickly catching her. "You okay? That was sudden," you said, hoisting her up. "Uh... Y-Yeah! I'm good, sorry 'bout that-" Amea replied, pulling herself away from your arms and looking to the side, trying to hide her blush. 

"Either way, what's the tea? I want to knooooooooow-" Holly said, grabbing your shoulders from behind and shaking you. "I cAn TeLl YoU iF yOu StOp ShAkInG mY bRaInCeLlS oUt-" you replied, your words warbly from your neck flopping around like a limp noodle. "What's the tea?" Amea asked as Holly stopped shaking you.

You shook your head to compose yourself. "Alright, so, it's two things, but they're both equally important," you said. "First of all, I'm going to be sleeping at my senpai's house for the training camp," 

"WHAT?" Kazumi exclaimed. "ONE OF THE MALES?" "No, I have a female senpai who's a manager like me. She offered to let me stay with her since my brother doesn't trust a bunch of boys with me sleeping in the same area," you replied. "Oh, okay, if it was one of the boys, I would have some choice words to say," Kazumi said. "Yeah, yeah, we know," Sora remarked. 

"I lowkey had a gay panic right then and there," you admitted, pursing your lips and looking at the ground. "I feel that on a spiritual level," Amea said, causing you to start laughing, Amea joining in shortly after. 

"Anyway, that leads me to the next thing: (B/N) probably has a crush on my coach," you said after calming down. "YES! FINALLY!" Holly exclaimed. "Emotional support BF!" 

You chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, I hope so anyway. I've really wanted him to be happy with someone, even if I do tease him all the time about it," you said, rubbing the back of your neck. "But, they both only met today, so nothing is set in stone yet. But, (B/N) should be texting him tonight, so we'll see what happens," 

Right after you finished talking, Iwata-sensei walked in, laptop in hand. "Hey! Sorry about being late, paperwork is so annoying! Anyway, we'll be doing a quick braindance and then going straight to choreography work, so get into staggered lines and I'll put on some music!" she said with a smile. 

"Oooo, Fences! God, it's so catchy, what's the name of the band again?" Holly asked Kosuke. "Uh, Paramore, I think," he replied. "I've been working on some poses for my improv piece, like this," Kazumi said, striking a confident pose. "Oh yeah, me too. Though, I kinda want to add in a backbend," you remarked.

"Wait, a full one?" Amea asked, raising an eyebrow. "Oh, no. Just my upperbody, I don't know how to to do a full one, heh," you replied, backing into a spot in the staggered line. "Oh, okay. I think you'd be able to do it," Amea replied. "Ah, I don't know 'bout that, but I'm sure you could do it! Didn't you do gymnastics when you were in elementry?" you asked. 

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