Chapter 13

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A/N It's flashback time! There will probably be other flashback moments in the future that aren't related to love interests also. Though, Kenma will have a flashback moment when it gets to that point! This chapter won't be in (Y/N)'s POV, but I will be referring to (Y/N) as "you". Also, the video is to show what a barrel turn is, which is mentioned in this chapter, so yeah! (I do not own the video, the video belongs to its creator)

Regular Font = Thoughts

------------------ = Timeskip/Scene Change


Kageyama has liked you for a while, and it began on that fateful day in your guy's second year at Kitagawa Daiichi. 

Kitagawa Daiichi's male volleyball team was practicing in the school's gym for a game they had within a few days. Kageyama set the ball and Kunimi jumped to spike it. He was able to spike it, but just barely. Once Kunimi landed, Kageyama turned around and said, "Hurry up, you could get that,". 

Kunimi looked at Kageyama with confusion before slouching and walking to the back of the spiking line. The boy was confused at how Kageyama had been acting recently, it's like the m-haired boy's personality was slowly changing for the worse. 

Kageyama set another ball and one of his teammates successfully spiked it to the other side. Kageyama nodded at him and his teammate nodded back, walking to the back of the spiking line. 

Before Kageyama could set another ball, the team's coach called the boys over, making them all pause. The group walked over and stood in front of their coach, waiting for him to speak. "Alright, I've mentioned before that one of the classes from Miyagi Prefecture Dance Academy are coming to practice in the gym today." their coach explained. "Once they get here, we will be practicing on the left side of the net only so they have room to practice. We need to- oh, they're already here," 

Their coach looked the left, the team following his gaze. Standing by the gym doors was a group of boys and girls, ages around 13 - 18, with an adult female standing in front of the group. Kageyama noticed a (H/C) haired girl peek out from behind some people, her eyes lidded a little, giving her a tired look. 

That girl was you. 

The adult bowed and said, "Thank you for letting us use your gym,". The teens followed suit, bowing and saying, "Thank you for letting us use your gym,". With that, the female adult - who he soon learned was Iwata-sensei - walked up to the volleyball team's coach with a friendly smile. 

Kageyama's gaze turned to you again, who saw you talking to one of your friends. 

He partially recognized you from school. He had seen you walking around school before, but most of the time, you were either alone or talking to some of your upperclassmen. He never really paid much attention though since he was busy with school or volleyball. 

"Alright class! I have to set up the music, but you guys get your shoes on!" Iwata-sensei exclaimed, capturing the attention of the dance class. "Let's keep working on spikes! Kindaichi, grab the ball cart," the boy's coach said. "Okay!" the boys said in unison before heading over to the left side of the court. 

"(Y/N), are you sure you're okay? You seem more tired than usual," Kageyama heard a voice say, making him look to where he heard the voice. He caught the sight of you sitting with a girl with light brown hair. The two of you were changing your shoes. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just had trouble sleeping last night, but I found some new memes," you replied, smiling at your friend. "Which ones?" your friend asked. With that, Kageyama looked back to his team. The fact that you didn't get enough sleep wasn't that important to him, what was important was that he needed to practice his sets. 

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