Chapter 10

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A/N Okay, I had another Haikyuu dream. This time, I was in the kitchen in my house doing something, and then I saw two hands slowly come down from above me holding a mask. I freaked out, whipped around, and punched the person. Turns out I punched Sakusa... then I woke up, so yeah.

Italics = Thoughts

------------------- = Timeskip/Scene Change


Your POV

Finally, it was Tuesday afternoon. 

I̶t̶ ̶w̶a̶s̶ ̶t̶i̶m̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶m̶e̶e̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶h̶o̶t̶ ̶g̶u̶y̶!̶  It was time to go to the Aoba Johsai practice match.

You looked out the window of the bus, sipping your canned coffee. "Hey, Sugawara?" you asked, turning to the grey-haired boy sitting beside you. "Yeah?" he asked, turning to you as well. You took another drink of coffee before saying, "I know this may sound a little childish, but how long is it going to be before we get to Aoba Johsai?"

"Oh, probably in about 10-15 minutes, but it also depends on traffic," he replied, giving his angelic af smile. You nodded with a slight heat in your cheeks, and looked back out the window, watching the scenery go by in a blur.

On the other hand, Sugawara was blushing and looking at his lap. Ever since he had met you on the first day, you hadn't left his mind much. He had gotten hooked on your lazy smile, your (H/L) (H/C) hair, the way you carried yourself throughout the practice, and other characteristics as well. It had only been a short time, about a week, but he knew he needed to acknowledge the feelings he had.

He realized he liked you, and he fully acknowledged that he did.

He was snapped out of his daze when he heard a puking sound. 

You looked behind you and cringed. Hinata had puked all over Tanaka's pants. You covered your mouth and quickly looked back out the window, trying to block out the sight you had just seen. Usually, you were fine with gross stuff, but puke was not one of the things you could handle. 

Ah geez, I can't wait for the bus ride to be over...


"Tsukishima, I swear to god, if you do not stop commenting on my height-" you said. "But why? It's true that you're short, so that's why I call you shortstack," he replied with a mischievous grin. 

The bus finally made it to Aoba Johsai, and everyone was getting off the bus. For the past five minutes, Tsukishima had been teasing you and poking fun at your height. "Well, if you're gonna call me shortstack, I'll just call you beanpole," you replied, crossing your arms. "Okay then, that just gives me all the more permission to call you shortstack," he replied. "Okay beanpole," you said. "Okay shortstack," Tsukishima shot back, making you glare at him a little.

All the while, Yamaguchi was just standing beside Tsukishima, watching your banter with the blonde-haired boy go down. 

Eventually, part of the team migrated closer to the gym building, where you overheard two boys from Aoba Johsai talking. "....all I know now is that they have a gorgeous manager," the brown-haired boy said. "They have a girl?" the onion haired looking boy asked. "Yeah, she's got this sexy vibe to her, though I heard that they have another manager as well," the brown-haired boy remarked. "Two girls?!" the onion haired boy exclaimed.

"Yeah, I heard she has a cute and sexy vibe to her, but I've also heard she's messy, and not in a good way," brown hair replied. "Oh, yeah, one of the players looks like a thug. He's got a shaved head, mean eyes, and looks kind dumb," 

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