Chapter 19

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A/N So, I'm watching Highrise Invasion, and now I'm tempted to write a Haikyuu and Highrise Invasion crossover-

Italics = Thoughts

---- = Timeskip/Scene Change


Your POV

Later that afternoon, it was finally time for volleyball practice. 

You and Kiyoko walked down the hallway, boxes of blank notebooks in your arms. "We'll need to put these in the supply closet, it's on the other side of the stage," Kiyoko said. You nodded, your arms aching from holding the box so long. 

Kiyoko noticed your expression and grew concerned. "(L/N)? Are you okay?" she asked, looking over at you. You gave her a strained smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. This is just heavy," you replied, trying to adjust your hands. She furrowed her brows in worry. "Are you sure? I can take some of the notebooks if you need," she said.

"Nah, I'm good. I wanted to take the heavier one so you wouldn't have to struggle," you replied, your face heating up as you looked to the side. Kiyoko smiled fondly at your turned head. She's so considerate... She thought, feeling her own cheeks heat up.

"Okay, but let me know if you need any help," she replied. You looked forward, paying attention to the open door that the two of you were approaching. "Thanks Kiyoko-senpai," you said, stepping through the doorway. You moved the box to the side and cautiously walked down the stairs, turning around and waiting for Kiyoko.

When she made it down, the two of you walked up to the gym, sliding through the cracked-open door. As the two of you started walking across the gym, a voice called out. "Kiyoko! Hey! Can I talk to you about something?" Sugawara called out, walking up. "Oh, yeah," Kiyoko replied. She turned to you. 

"I'll be right back, feel free to put your box in the closet," she said. She then turned and walked towards Sugawara. You nodded to yourself and continued to walk towards the closet, suddenly hearing Tanaka's and Nishinoya's exclaims of excitement as they saw Kiyoko. 

As you walked across the gym, you felt the box slipping from your hands, causing you to adjust it in your arms. Damn, this box is getting heavier, I swear! 

You paused, adjusting the heavy box in your arms again, furrowing your brows in concentration as not to drop it. Suddenly, you felt a tap on your shoulder and you looked behind yourself, seeing Daichi standing there. "Oh, Daichi-senpai, hey," you said, turning back around. 

"Do you need any help with that?" he asked, walking around you. "Uh..." you said, adjusting the heavy box again. "Yeah..." you said, sighing in defeat. He chuckled and grabbed some of the notebooks out, holding them in his own arms. The box became instantly lighter. 

"Come on, I assume you need to put them in the supply closet. I'll open it for you," Daichi offered, turning around. "Yeah, that'd be great," you replied, walking towards the supply closet again. Daichi walked in front of you. 

He opened the supply closet, holding it open for you. You nodded in thanks and walked in, looking up at the shelf where there seemed to be more notebooks. Daichi walked past you, placing his notebooks on the shelf. He backed away, letting you slide your box on. 

You stepped forward, standing on your toes and pushing the box onto the shelf. Suddenly it started tipping back. Your eyes widened. Oh shit, I haven't even had my third cup of coffee yet! Get back on that goddamn shelf-

You suddenly felt warmth against your back and an arm stretch out above you, fully sliding the box onto the shelf. "Hey, you okay? Looks like it was about to hit you in the head," you heard Daichi ask. "Uh- Yeah, I'm um, uh, I- I'm fine-" you stammered, feeling your face heat up from the physical contact. 

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