Chapter 1

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You just got off the plane and were going down the large hall with your suitcase, looking for people holding up a sign with their family name on it.

Arriving at big glass doors, you finally spotted them.

You walked up to the couple and bowed, just like you learned.

"I see, you learned very well, (L/N)-san." The man said.

"I'm Iwaizumi Kaishi and this is my wife Iwaizumi Hikari. Welcome to Japan." They smiled and also bowed.

"I'm (L/N) (Y/N), thank you for letting me stay with you, Iwaizumi-san and Iwaizumi-san." You said, making them laugh.

Kaishi took your suitcase for you and led you to his car, where you all got in.

"We have a son at home, as you know already, he will show you around a little before school starts in two days." Kaishi said.

You talked the whole ride.

It was mostly them, asking questions about how your life was and what things you liked.

After a ride of thirty minutes the car finally came to a halt.

Kindly, Kaishi took your suitcase again and walked up to the door with you and Hikari following.

"Hajime, we're home! Come and greet our guest." His father said loudly, so his son would hear.

"Kaishi, he told us he would play volleyball today with Tooru-kun, did you forget already?" Hikari said, going into the kitchen while shaking her head.

"Oh, right." Kaishi said, scratching the back of his head.

"Well, follow me! I'll show you your new room." He smiled and carried your suitcase.

He showed you the room for which you thanked him again.

"Make yourself at home!" He grinned and left the room, giving you some privacy.

You unpacked your stuff.

'I'm really in Japan for the whole year.'

You were excited and also a little anxious.

Finally, your dream of coming to Japan became true.

After unpacking, you joined the two of them in the kitchen.

"I bought your favorite food, (L/N)-san. Don't worry about the food here. Thanks to the description you sent us, we know what type of food you eat." She smiled.

"Thank you again, Iwaizumi-san. That's really nice of you."

You all chatted in the kitchen.

They always had questions about your life and all.

After a while, you heard the front door open and footsteps come inside.

"Hajime is finally back." Hikari said, calling her son into the kitchen.

He stepped in, wearing a white t-shirt, that was glued to his body because of the sweat, showing all the muscles.

"Go wash up and come to eat." His mother said, making Hajime roll his eyes and leave the kitchen.

"He may look scary and grumpy, but he's actually really nice." Hikari giggled, making you nod and smile.

After Hajime entered the kitchen again, everyone was sitting at the table already.

He sat in front of you and looked at you with furrowed brows.

"I'm Iwaizumi Hajime." He suddenly said.

"(L/N) (Y/N), nice to meet you, Iwaizumi-san."

He nodded and started to eat.

'Does he not like me already?'

You looked at Kaishi, who smiled at you and gave you a thumbs up.

"So, Hajime, you are going to show (L/N)-san around tomorrow, right?" His dad asked.

You were feeling kind of sorry for Hajime. He was surely forced to do it.

"Yeah, sure." He said with a relaxed voice.

"Great!" His dad smiled.

You were lucky to be taken in by such a cute and warm-hearted couple.

Hajime still hadn't smiled once, but you guessed that it was just his face or that he just didn't like smiling.

After eating, his mom cleaned everything up.

You offered to help her, but she refused with all she had.

She wanted you to feel as comfortable as possible.

A true angel.

"I'm still a little exhausted from the whole trip, can I rest in my room?" You asked.

"Yes, of course! There's no need to ask such things. This is your home from now on!" Hikari said.

You smiled at the family and went into your room.

'Three Iwaizumi-sans.' You sighed out and let yourself fall on the bed.

You were scared to make any mistakes or seem impolite, because here in Japan, politeness was really important.

'Just don't forget to use the honorifics.' You sighed out and slowly drifted off to sleep.
[A/N]: Hello to the new readers (!), and welcome back to my old readers!
A new story with (Y/N), this time with Oikawa and Iwaizumi.
I hope we'll all have a great time together and enjoy this story.

(This chapter is short because it's only the beginning.)

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