Chapter 7

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"Do you have an idea already? I mean, how long have you been waiting for this opportunity?" You asked Aikawa after shaking hands with her.

"I didn't really think of it, since I just tried to avoid her." She said, and at the same time as the bell rang.

"Save your number, we'll meet up later today." You told her, handing her your phone.

"So bossy already?" She smirked, but took your phone anyway.

You left it uncommented and waited for her to give it back.

"There you go." She said.

"Alright, I'll be leaving then."

She nodded at you before you took your leave.

Sighing, you went down the stairs and met Iwaizumi and Oikawa at the end of them.

"Were you waiting for me?" You asked, as you started to walk towards your class.

"Yeah, it was Iwa's idea." Oikawa chuckled.

You looked at Iwaizumi, who was looking into a different direction.

"Just in case you wouldn't find back. Nothing special." He shrugged his shoulders.

"It's rude to look away while talking to someone, Iwaizumi." You smiled.

"Whatever." He said and walked ahead, leaving you and Oikawa behind.

"Have you ever seen him smile, Oikawa?"

"Of course I have, we've been friends for years."

"Tell me, what makes him smile?" You asked, looking at Oikawa while walking.

"Oh, why do you wanna know so bad?" He smirked.

You could hear some girls in the background already, coming to see Oikawa.

"You know what? Never mind. I'll find out on my own." You patted his shoulder and went into class, avoiding the girls.

When practice was finally over, you waited for Iwaizumi and Oikawa in front of the locker rooms.

"I hope we didn't take too long, (L/N)-chan." Oikawa smiled, approaching you.

"No, it's all fine. By the way, you guys can walk without me today. I have something to do." You said.

"Huh, all alone?" Oikawa asked.

"I didn't say I was alone." You smiled.

"Then who?" He asked.

"A new friend." You turned to Iwaizumi.

"Don't worry, Iwaizumi. I'll find back home." You added.

"Just call me when you need help, alright?"

You nodded at Iwaizumi and watched them walk off.

"So nice of them, to worry about you." You suddenly heard a voice say.

Turning around, you saw Aikawa standing there, leaning against the wall of the locker room.

"Yeah, they are nice guys." You walked towards her.

"I know." She sighed and pushed herself off the wall.

"Do you also know a cafe around here?" You walked next to her, towards the gates.

"I do, it's a pretty good one."

Around ten minutes later, you arrived at the cafe she mentioned.

You ordered something to eat and drink, and sat somewhere comfortable.

"Alright." You said, taking out a pencil and notebook.

"Not that I want to interfere in whatever you had been planning, but I do have an idea of what we could do about her."

"No, go ahead. I didn't plan anything yet."

"Perfect." You said and opened your notebook, the page where you wrote down some ideas.

"My first idea was to join her club, be friends with her and collect some information about her to eventually use it all against her. Then I thought no, because that's too basic. That would have been something anyone would do, so I came up with a new idea. Using her tools against herself. But that would include spreading rumors, and I'm not that kinda person, so I came up with another new idea. She's crazy about this Fanclub, isn't she? We'll try to take that from her. We somehow need to make the girls of the group turn her out. We'll watch her every step to find something, that would make them hate her."

You waited for an answer of her.

"I really don't know what to say. When did you come up with those?"

"In the lessons after our talk in the library."

"I guess we can try it. But what exactly are you hoping to find?"

"I don't know. But I know that we're going to find something."

"Why do you sound like you've been doing such things for years?" She raised one eyebrow.

"I have no idea."

After a few minutes, you received a call.

"Excuse me, it's Iwaizumi." You said, accepting the call.


"(L/N), my mom told me to tell you that it's going to rain later on, so call me when you're going to leave the place you're at, because she's going to pick you up."

"That's nice of her, but she doesn't have to. I'll be fine."

"She's going to come either way, so don't even try. Just call me when you want to leave."

"Alright, bye."

You shook your head and looked up, seeing Aikawa spaced out.

"Hey, are you there?" You waved your hand in front of her face.

"Of course I am."

"It's going to rain later on. Do you want me to ask Iwaizumi-san to drop you off too? She's really nice and I bet-"

"No, don't. Don't ask her."

"You're making this way too easy for me." You started to chuckle.

"What exactly?" She asked.

"You said it would be more exciting to find out in the end, but you're too obvious. Well, for me at least." You sighed.

"Your vulnerable spot is Iwaizumi and perhaps Oikawa too. If I connect that with your hatred towards Nakamoto, a fan of Oikawa, she must have done something including them. Knowing Nakamoto, she probably spread rumors about you and them or bullied you for being with them. I'm certain that you guys know each other, because you once told me that the boys didn't like to wait, remember? I assumed that you must have hung out with them, to know that. Plus you've been calling Iwaizumi by his nickname, Iwa. Why would you do that with someone you aren't close with? Also, you said you knew that they were good guys, but not trustworthy when it comes to stuff like whatever Nakamoto did to you. I might have interpreted too much into this, but they disappointed you, didn't they?" You rested your head on your hand, watching her reaction.

"Just- what are you?" She shook her head.

"Let's just say, that analyzing people is something I'm good at." You smiled.

"And what are you going to do with the information you got?" She folded her hands on the table.

"You're not denying it."

"I would have no chance against that analyzing skills of yours. But I won't tell you any details."

"I won't need details, but I'm sure someone else will be telling me anyway."

"Oh? Who's that going to be?"

"Either Nakamoto or Iwaizumi. Let's see."

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