Chapter 2

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The next day, Iwaizumi and you went outside after breakfast, like his dad said yesterday.

You were walking down the street when, surprisingly, he started a conversation.

"Why did you choose Japan?" He asked, his hands in his pockets.

"I once had an online friend, who was from Japan. That was, when my interest for Japan awakened. After a little research about the country, I realized how beautiful it was, so I made it a goal to come here one day." You smiled at him, making him look away.

"When my school offered this chance, of course, I took it."

"Makes sense." He said.

"What about you? Are you doing anything special?"

"Uh, yeah. I'm playing in the volleyball club in school. Oh, by the way, did you sign in for a club already?"

"No, I didn't. They said, I could try out before deciding. Is there anything you would suggest?"

"I don't know what stuff you like, so probably not." He shrugged his shoulders.

He showed you the neighborhood and you two got to know each other a little better.

Iwaizumi was the type of human you could get easily comfortable around.

He didn't seem to be someone judging other people, plus he really was a nice person.

The last day, before school started, went by with you and Iwaizumi playing a little volleyball in their garden and spending time with his family.

They wanted you to feel as comfortable as possible, which you appreciated much.

The next day, you were woken up by your alarm and got ready for school.

Hikari was nice enough to prepare your bento boxes, and so Iwaizumi and you made your way to school.

"Are you excited? You are going to meet new people and all." He asked.

"Yeah, I just hope that I can understand everything when people are talking to me."

"You can understand me, right?" He asked, making you nod.

"Then it should be fine." He assured, making you nod again.

When you arrived at school, you were just about to walk into the building, as you suddenly heard a voice call out for Iwaizumi.


You saw Iwaizumi roll his eyes and had to giggle because of that.

"You were late today, Oikawa, so I didn't wait." Iwaizumi said, turning around again.

"Hey, you must be the exchange student, who is living with Iwa-chan, right?" The tall brunette asked, smiling at you.

"Yes, I'm (L/N) (Y/N), nice to meet you." You introduced yourself, just like you learned.

The male started to chuckle and put his hand in front of his mouth.

"Your accent is cute. I'm Oikawa Tooru. Nice to meet you too, (L/N)-chan." He smiled, reaching out his hand.

You shook hands for a few seconds, until Iwaizumi finally interrupted it.

"Let's go." He said, walking ahead.

You and Oikawa caught up to him and walked into your class.

"Sit here, next to me, (L/N)-chan!" Oikawa offered, pointing at the seat next to him.

You saw Iwaizumi taking a seat behind Oikawa and shook your head.

"No, thank you. I'd like to sit next to Iwaizumi." You smiled and walked past him.

Exchange Student || Oikawa Tooru x Reader x Iwaizumi HajimeWhere stories live. Discover now