Chapter 9

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"Okay boys, that's it for today. Don't forget to eat well." The coach said, when practice finally came to an end.

The guys started to clean the court, while you brought their towels up to the washing machine.

When everyone was done, you waited for Iwaizumi and Oikawa to come out of the locker room.

"See you, (L/N)-san."

"Yeah, see you next time. Your Japanese is pretty good by the way, don't feel insecure about it." Yahaba said.

"Thank you." You smiled.

"Well, while we're at it. Wanna exchange contacts so that-"

"Not this again." Watari sighed and pulled Yahaba by his jacket, away from you.

"Sorry for that. See you next time." He said, hitting Yahaba's head while walking away, which made you laugh quietly.

"I swear to god, you are such a lame ass, Oikawa." Iwaizumi's voice came from upstairs.

"Sorry, but I need my time." Oikawa said, waiting for Iwaizumi to lock the door.

"Next time I'll leave you to lock the doors, since you're always the last one to be done." He sighed and came down the stairs, followed by Oikawa.

"Not always, Iwa. Sometimes I'm fast."

"Rarely." Iwaizumi rolled his eyes, looking at you.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

"I've been ready for like ten minutes." You said as you checked the time on your phone.

"Oopsie." Oikawa chuckled.

Iwaizumi looked at you, but you just shook your head.

"Let's go." He sighed and walked ahead.

You and Oikawa shared a look before catching up with him.

"How long have you been playing volleyball? You all seem insanely good."

"I think I started with four or something." Oikawa said, tapping his chin.

"It's been a long time." He added, looking at you.

"Damn, and you, Iwaizumi?"

"One or two years after him. He had to convince me first."

"Iwa was busy catching bugs." Oikawa giggled.

"Catching bugs? That's so cute." You smiled at Iwaizumi.

"He'd let them go once he caught them because he wanted them to return to their families."

"There's no way that there's no fanclub for you." You said.

"I mean, look at those arms, the cute face and on top of that: the cute hobby. Anyone would fall for a man like that." You looked at Iwaizumi, who was looking away.

"He needs to get used to getting compliments first. Bear with him." Oikawa said, walking from next to Iwaizumi to your side.

Exchange Student || Oikawa Tooru x Reader x Iwaizumi HajimeWhere stories live. Discover now