Chapter 8

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You and Aikawa had the perfect plan on how to take the club away from Nakamoto.

And you didn't hesitate to start it the following week on Monday.

When lunchtime started, you told Iwaizumi that you had to discuss something with someone and that he should go ahead to the canteen already.

"Who are you meeting lately? Is there anything I should be concerned about?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No, everything is fine. Don't worry, I wouldn't do anything that could trouble you." You smiled.

"Alright then. We'll be at our usual table." He said and walked off.

You smiled until he was fully gone.

The first step of the plan was to join her fanclub first.

And that was what you were doing now.

Walking towards their clubroom, you texted Aikawa so that she would know what you were up to. She told you to come to the library after you joined the club.

"Anyone there?" You knocked on the door, which was opened just a few seconds later.

"What a surprise to see you at our door, (L/N)-san.
What brings you here?" Nakamoto looked at you, trying to figure out the reason you were standing there.

"I've made up my mind, and I really don't want to mess with you guys." You said, lowering your head.

"And?" She sounded proud.

"Therefore, I want to join your club." You added, looking in her eyes, seeing her fake victory in her eyes.

"Come in first, (L/N)-san. We'll have to talk about this inside." She stepped aside, letting you in.

There you saw a few more girls sitting at a table, having notes written down and on full-serious mode.

What the fuck.

"(L/N)-san here came to conclusion that she wants to join our club." Nakamoto told her group and crossed her arms.

"How comes that you changed your mind, if you don't mind me asking." One of the girls at the table asked.

They were taking this club a little too seriously.

"I heard some girls talk about how dangerous you guys can get, and I really don't want to be on your bad side." You answered.

They shared a look, before Nakamoto spoke up.

"You'll have to proof your loyalty first though. It's understandable, isn't it?"

"Absolutely." You nodded.

"What do you guys want me to do?" You asked them.

Again, they shared a look, before Nakamoto noded at them.

"You'll need to get us information about him. That's easy for you, right?" She looked up and down, as if she was analyzing your body.

"Yeah, is there anything particular you want to know?"

"There really is something that we've been trying to find out for a long time now." She said, looking at the girls again, who were aggressively nodding their heads.

"Find out what shampoo he is using."

"That's it?" You were confused. You expected more.

"For now, yes. If you deliver us that information, you'll officially be one of us."

"Uh, sure. I'll be back tomorrow, I guess?" You said, slowly walking backwards towards the door.

"Sure, we'll be here." She smiled and watched you walk out of the room.

What the heck was that?

Right after your little meeting with them, you walked upstairs to the library, where Aikawa was waiting for you. Seeing her sit at the usual spot, you took a seat next to her and crosser your legs, leaning back on your chair.

"And?" She asked, still reading the book in her hand.

"They just want me to find out what shampoo Oikawa is using to proof my loyalty." You said, immediately starting to laugh quietly.

"Gosh, such creeps. How are you going to that, though? Are you just going to ask him?" This time her eyes found yours.

"Yeah, there is no easier way, is there?" You said.

"Damn, we really are doing this. Finally I'm going to see her being destroyed."

"I'm really curious about what she has done to make you hate her that much." You tilted your head.

"Stop annoying me with that, you're not going to get the answer from me." She said, looking back into her book.

"What's the next step? Gaining their trust?" She asked, trying to change the topic.

The matter must have hurt her, right?

This behavior would support your theory, which said that Nakamoto either spread rumors about her or bullied her for hanging out with Oikawa.

But seeing her try to avoid this topic this hard made you think that she did not only hang out with the boys, but also was good friends with them.

"I won't pressure you, but I'm going to get the answer any way." You smiled again and stood up.

"The next step is to gain their trust and make them make me the new president of the club." You looked down at her, your eyes meeting.

"I'll head back to class, see you." You patted her shoulder and walked off.

"See you." You heard her mumble.

Nakamoto really picked the wrong one to mess with, but right now, she didn't even know herself.
[A/N]: This story is not dead, y'all.
Be prepared for an amazing plot.

Exchange Student || Oikawa Tooru x Reader x Iwaizumi HajimeWhere stories live. Discover now