Chapter 6

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"Hey, Iwa-chan!" Oikawa's voice rang through the fresh morning breeze, as you were walking to school together with Iwaizumi.

"Good morning, (L/N)-chan." He smiled at you, when he reached the two of you.

"Good morning, Oikawa-san." You smiled back.

You walked to school, all together, until you reached the gates, where some girls were waiting for Oikawa already.

Iwaizumi and you walked ahead into the class.

When you entered the class, you saw a note on your table. Already knowing who the owner was, you shook your head and laughed.

"Don't tell me it's still Nakamoto doing this." Iwaizumi sighed.

"Who else?" You said and read following words:

'This is your last chance to join us. Either you're on our side or against us!'

"She's so childish, what the fuck." You furrowed your eyebrows and gave the note to Iwaizumi.

He let out a deep chuckle, catching your attention instantly.

"Wow." You snapped your head towards him.

"What?" He asked, finally sitting down.

"That's was hot." You raised an eyebrow and also sat down.

You saw him widen his eyes for a second, but then he just shook his head.

"Shut up." He said.

After the first lessons, it was finally lunchtime.

And today, you had a plan.

"Hey, Iwaizumi, I'm going to go to the library, alright?" You asked, packing your stuff into your bag.

"The library? Why though?" Oikawa asked as he was taking his bento out of his bag.

"I like it there, so why not?" You crossed your arms.

"You can go wherever you want, (L/N). No need to answer Oikawa's questions." Iwaizumi said.

"Good, I'll see you guys after lunchtime." You smiled and made your way up to the third floor.

'She has to be here.' You thought as you were entering the library.

You first took the same book about volleyball and then looked for Aikawa.

Well, she was sitting at the same table as last time, so it wasn't hard to find her.

You reached her table and slid the note, that Nakamoto gave to you, in front of her, so it was in her eyesight.

"Good morning to you too, (L/N)-san." Aikawa said, before reading the note.

You saw her eye twitch and her fist clench.

"She's crazy. She'll try to destroy your life here, even though you've been here for what? Three days?" Aikawa looked at you.

"Yeah. I mean, what can she do though? She's just all talk, isn't she?" You asked, trying to get something out of her.

You had to know the reason why she hated her that much.

"She's not just all talk. She'll do anything, and I mean anything, to reach her goal. And if her goal is to make you feel pain or whatever, she'll use anything in her hands to make it." At this point, Aikawa closed her book and looked you straight in the eyes.

"You sound like you experienced it yourself." You said.

"Let's just say I know what I'm talking about." She crossed her arms and leaned back on her chair.

"She has nothing against me though. What could she possibly do?" You laughed.

"Besides, I have Iwaizumi and the guys on my side."

She smirked and shook her head.

"They are good guys, but don't trust them when it comes to things like that. Plus, if she has nothing against you, she'll create something." She looked down on her right side, arms still crossed.

"She'll spread rumors?" You asked and she nodded her head.

"Who would believe her. Everyone knows how she is."

"That won't matter at that moment because people here are eager for rumors or dramatic stuff."

"Then, someone has to shut her down, no?" You smiled.

"And who exactly? I won't deal with her again. She's giving me headache that I can avoid."

"Again? What did happen before?" You took the opportunity to ask right away.

She sighed out deeply, closing her eyes.

"I don't feel like telling you right now." She looked at you.

"It's your last year at high school. Do you really want her to enjoy it while you have to sit here everyday, alone and bored?"

"Who said I was bored?" She raised an eyebrow.

"I can tell from the way you tried to interact with me. If you weren't bored, you wouldn't have tried to start a conversation with me. But you're looking for someone to be with. And look, that someone happens to be me. Lucky you." You smirked, knowing that you were right.

Analyzing people was part of your life for a long time now.

She chuckled softly, her brown waves going up and down slightly.

"Lucky me? Why's that?" She asked, leaning forward to the table and folding her hands on it.

"Because I wouldn't back away, if you were to take some kind of revenge or whatever you wanna call it." You also leaned forward.

"You only came here for trouble, didn't you?" She asked.

"(Y/C) was boring." You shrugged your shoulders.

"Well, let's make my last year and your exchange year exciting then, shall we?" She bit her pink bottom lip.

"That's was I wanted to hear." You clapped your hands.

"But before that, I need to hear the whole story, you know?" You said.

"Isn't it even more exciting when you don't know the backstory yet and keep it til the end?" She asked.

You literally almost fell in love with her character.

You liked the way she was thinking. It was similar to you.

"Yeah." You nodded your head.

"Then, let's enjoy the time here together." She smiled and reached out her hand for you to shake it.

As if you were sealing a deal.
[A/N]: Idk 'bout you guys, but I love the tension between Aikawa and (Y/N).

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