Chapter 4

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Again, you walked into the school with Iwaizumi and Oikawa.

On you way to class you saw Nakamoto walking past you and flashing you a sweet smile, which you returned.

Your first lesson was Maths.

You've learned from the others, that your Maths teacher was a strict one, and today of all days you forgot your Maths book.

The second the bell rang, she stepped into the class and dropped her bag onto the desk.

"The lesson now starts. Stop talking and open your books. Page 24."

She turned around to write something on the board while the students were taking out their books.

"Next time I want this to work faster. Your books will be on yours desks already when I enter this room." She said, checking if everyone had done as she told.

Her eyes stopped on you.

"(L/N)-san, may I ask why you didn't bring your book?" She asked, her hand resting on her desk.

"I forgot it at home. I'm sorry." You stood up and bowed.

She shook her head.

"I'll let it slide this once, since you are new, but this excuse won't save you the next time." She looked over at Iwaizumi.

"Iwaizumi-san, would you mind sharing your book with (L/N)-san?"

Iwaizumi moved his desk nearer to yours and tried to put his book somewhere in the middle so you could look too.

The teacher started to explain the new topic to the class.

You looked into the book, but started to get bored, so you looked at Iwaizumi.

Seeing his face from this little distance made you realize how cute he really looked.

"Hey, Iwaizumi-san, what's your eye color?" You whispered.

He first furrowed his brows at your random question, but eventually answered.

"My mother always says something like olive green, but I stick with green simply." He shrugged his shoulders.

"They look really interesting." You nodded your head.

"Stop staring." He said, looking away.

"Sorry I jus-"

"(L/N)-san seems to know more than me about this topic. Would you like to explain it to the class?" She put her glasses down on the desk and looked at you.

"Sorry I jus-"

"First you forget your book and now you are disturbing my lesson, (L/N)-san. I don't know how the system in (Y/C) works, but here in my class you are only allowed to speak when you know the answer to a question. I cleary didn't ask anything, right?" She crossed her arms.

"No, I'm sorry."

"Please wait outside until this lesson ends,
(L/N)-san." She said.

You looked at the clock hanging over the door.

"But that will be fifty minutes."

"I'm aware. Please hurry up so the rest can continue."

"Uh, okay." You said, standing up and walking towards the door.

"The next time I will also inform the principle, so be thankful that I am in a good mood today."

"Good mood you say?" You asked quietly, only for the ones at the front row to hear.

Exchange Student || Oikawa Tooru x Reader x Iwaizumi HajimeWhere stories live. Discover now