Chapter 12

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The next day you wanted to meet up with Aikawa, just like you promised the previous day. So, when the bell rang, you excused yourself and were about to go out of the class, when suddenly Iwaizumi stopped you by calling your name.

"(L/N), library again?" He asked.

"Yeah. Or do you need me to sit with y'all today?" You asked, tilting your head.

"Yes." Oikawa said, while Iwaizumi clearly said "No."

You looked from one boy to another.

"We are just kind of concerned, you know." Iwaizumi murmured, looking everywhere, but at you.

"Why's that?" You looked at Oikawa since Iwaizumi wasn't looking at you.

"Well, it's just the second week of you being here, and yet you are alone in the library for the nth time." Oikawa explained their concern, but you laughed at little.

"I'm not alone. I've already told you that I've made a friend." You said.

"So why aren't the two of you just joining us then?" Iwaizumi asked.

"Well, she doesn't like all the attention you two get. She doesn't like attention in general, that's why we are in the library."

"What's the name?" This time Iwaizumi looked at you.

"Ah, shit, I always forget it. It sounds a little complicated to me." You lied, rubbing your forehead.

"I see. We won't bother you on this matter anymore, I'll see you in the next lesson then." Iwaizumi said, walking out of class.

"Is he mad?" You asked Oikawa, watching Iwaizumi walk out.

"No, not at all." He sighed out. He opened his mouth, as if he was about to say something, but he chose not to.

"You wanted to say something." You pointed out.

"Yeah, never mind. You wouldn't understand." He said, bevor also walking out of class, in crutches.

You felt weird. What was it that he didn't want to tell you? Something you wouldn't understand? Boys' problems?

Deep in your thoughts you went to the library, where you were to meet Aikawa.

"What is it with you?" She asked when you sat down.

"Some weird stuff just happened." You answered as you were taking out that one volleyball book.

"Explain." She said.

"He asked me if I was going to the library again, blah blah, I told him that I was not alone because I found a friend etc. and then he suddenly was like 'I won't bother you on this matter anymore' and went out of class." You sighed out.

"Iwaizumi?" She asked, you nodded.

"Oh, I see." She crossed her arms.

"Help me see too. Did I do something?"

"Well, Iwaizumi has always been overshadowed by Oikawa, you know that. He still feels insecure and thinks of himself as boring and just not interesting enough, so he may feel like you're proving his point by not hanging out with him." She shrugged.

And it sounded plausible. Why didn't you think of that?

"Fuck." You threw your head back, thinking of making it alright. You wanted Iwaizumi to be more confident about himself. He was such a handsome and sweet guy, he deserved more recognition.

"Alright, that's something I'll take care of." You said, looking at her again. "We're here to discuss another matter." You added.

"Oh? Do you already have a plan on becoming the new president of the fanclub?" She raised an eyebrow.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2023 ⏰

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