Chapter 10

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"Alright, (L/N)-san, you told us that Oikawa-san is using a whole hair routine, right?" Suzuki, one of Nakamoto's closest friends asked.

"Yeah." You said, playing on your phone. It was Monday again, meaning that in lunch break you had to meet up with the fanclub.

"Do you think you could find out about all the products?" She asked.

You looked up and tilted your head.

"You all do realize that if I become too obvious, he will stop telling me stuff, right?"

"She is right, Suzuki. Don't pressure her into things." Nakamoto said.

"And I also hope that me being in this club stays between us." You raised an eyebrow and looked at Nakamoto.

"Of course. We won't do anything that could disturb your work. But we do need a new topic for the article. Has anyone got an idea?" The president of the club asked.

And so your lumch time went by.

When you met Iwaizumi in class, he again asked you where you had been. And unfortunately, you had to lie. You told him that you had been in the library.

"What are you always doing there during lunch break?" He asked, leaning back in his chair.

"I just like being there." You smiled.

When minutes later your Maths teacher entered the room you got quiet since you knew how strict she was.

The lesson came to an end and the teacher announced a small test for next Monday. You looked over at Iwaizumi, who rolled his eyes.

"Do you understand the topic?" You asked him as the teacher was packing up her stuff.

"A little, but this test sure will be a pain in the ass." He sighed and got ready to leave.

"Don't worry Iwa-chan, you won't fail as long as I am here." Oikawa said, following you and Iwaizumi out of the class.

"You too, (L/N)-chan, I'll help you through your dark times of Maths."

"Sounds like a study date to me." You smiled at Oikawa, seeing him widen his eyes for a second.

"Well, kinda." He walked next to you.

"A study date with Iwaizumi. Sounds like it's straight out of a fanfiction." You glanced at his arms.

"(L/N), we talked about this." Making you look away, just as quick as you looked at them.

At practice, the coaches announced that they organized a practice match against a school named Karasuno. The boys seemed to be pretty excited about it.

"Alright boys, let's get started! We have a friendly match to win." Oikawa said, clapping his hands in order to start.

You watched them all play, and honestly, you couldn't believe that they would ever lose to a school.

They did their usual routine. First some practice on the techniques, then some strategies for the game and lastly playing against each other.

And again, you were inexperienced, but the way Okinawa tossed the ball for his teammates just seemed very elegant and professional. It seemed like this sport and this exact position were made for him, and him only. You were just mesmerized by the way he played, so you were looking forward to seeing him play in a real match.

Just when you said that, he came back on the floor, twisting his ankle and next thing you knew was that he was lying on the floor.

You covered you mouth with one hand and watched the boys hurry up to him. Iwaizumi pulled him up by one side and Makki supported him on the other side. They came towards you to sit Oikawa on the bench.

"Iwaizumi is taking over, take Oikawa to the nurse." Coach Irihata said.

"(L/N)-san will accompany the two, so that Hanamaki can come back to practice." He added, reacting very quick and calm to this situation.

So, you and Makki took Oikawa on each side and walked towards the nurse's room.

Oikawa hissed a few times when stepping on the foot and also had a hurting expression on his face.

Entering the room, Makki helped you sit Oikawa on the bed and went back into the gym.

"Does it hurt a lot?" You asked him.

"Not that much, but I think I sprained it." He sighed out.

"You know, I was just thinking about how good you were playing and then this happened." You chuckled, making him squint his eyes.

"Your evil eye has caused this, (L/N)-chan. You gotta make up for this." He crossed his arms.

"Really can't be hurting that much when you talk this much." You said.

"I just decided not to help you with the Maths test." He smiled.

"Your loss. No study date with Iwaizumi for you." You shrugged.

"No study date with (L/N) sounds worse, tho." He said, catching you off guard.

Right after that, the nurse came.

"Oikawa-kun, what happened to you? Is it your knee again?" She asked.

"No, I twisted my ankle. It feels like I sprained it."

She did a few things and asked him how much it hurt. After hissing and answering her questions, she treated his injury and told him no volleyball for the rest of the week. She wanted to see him again next Monday.

"Fuck, I can't practice for the match." He said, lying down.

"Oikawa-san, you do realize that your health is more important, right?" You sat on the bed he was lying in.

"It's whatever. I don't want us to lose to Karasuno."

"Is there something about that school?" You asked, making him sit up.

"Well, let me explain the volleyball scene a little." He took a big sip of his water and cleared this throat.

"In Miyagi, there are the top three schools. Shiratorizawa, Seijoh and Karasuno, but Karasuno got so bad over the years, no one is taking them seriously. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if we lost to them?" He asked, not waiting for an answer.

"Of course it would. Also, I need this practice match for nationals." He added.

He saw your puzzled expression and sighed.

"There's a lot to learn, (L/N)-chan. Nationals are the matches, played by the best of the best. The winner of the matches will be the national winner, since schools from all over Japan are going to participate. Well, only the ones who win the Interhigh games."

"How often have you played in the nationals?" You asked, but this face dropped.

"I've never been there." He crossed his arms.

"What? No way! You guys play so good, I literally was so mesmerized by the way you play. How comes you've never been there?"

"Well, (L/N)-chan, as cute as you sound, you have to see Shiratorizawa play. They are my true opponents. Fuck the other schools, they are nothing compared to him."

"Who is him?"

"My greatest enemy, Ushijima. The captain of the team."

"Well, focus on Karasuno. Shouldn't you be able to beat them even without practice? As good as you are and as bad as they are."

"Keep in mind to never underestimate an opponent. My old underclassman, Tobio, has joined Karasuno. He is good at what he is doing. And he is another reason why I cannot lose to that school. That would be too embarrassing."

"I see." You nodded.

"And what did the nurse mean with your knee?"

"Oh nothing serious. I just had some problems in the past, but it's all good now." He smiled.

Just now you realized that he wasn't too bad. In fact, when being alone with him, he wasn't even annoying.

He was attractive for sure, that was no secret, but not once did you think that he was cute when he smiled. Until today.
[A/N ]: I am so embarrassed by not being active for a whole fucking year omg.

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