Surviving 101

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Authors note: :)


(Autumn's POV)

We finally finished our large S.O.S sign. It only took us around two hours-but we finished it. After our swim, we stayed out on the beach for a little, staring out into the waters and hoped to see a ship- any type of ship. But as usual, the waters were still and no boats were around. The sand got colder as the moon rose higher. And, the tides got higher, which made more fish available. I'm currently asleep beside Luke and Codie on the sand. I roll over- just to get a mouthful of sand. My eyes bolted open and I sat up and spit it all out. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. The sand beside me was empty. Curiously, I looked around to see Luke sat by the shoreline. Codie was still sound asleep beside me, the soft sound of his snores was loud through the extremely quiet forest. I got up off the sand and walked over to where Luke was. I sat down on the sand beside him and heard the plunk of a rock. Luke threw s couple more into the water. He still didn't notice me, so I grabbed a handful of sand and threw it in his face. He did finally look at me, after he wiped it all away.

"What was that for?" He asked. I shrugged.

"Well, you were kind of blanked out." I sighed. Its getting boring around here actually, the most fun I had, was the crash. Which brings another problem on my list. My mother was- killed, drowned. What am I supposed to do when I get back? I'm an orphan now, and all my family lives in England. My mother and my father moved away to escape the drama and the fights with both our families. But, now who knows. Have they heard that mom and I are gone? Do they think we died? What will it be like when I return? Ugh, this island isn't good for answers.

"Yeah. Really, I'm just getting very bored." Luke shrugged and threw another stone into the calm blue waters. I know how he feels.

"Hey, you know what?" And idea popped into my head. Luke looked over at me.

"What?" He mumbled and returned to his rock throwing.

"We never made weapons. We can craft somethings. Or maybe that shack has a few things." I said, Luke looked over at me and grinned.

"Thats a great idea!" Luke jumped up off the sand.

"Oh now you listen." I rolled my eyes when I got a small rock to the back of the head. I turned around and Luke held a handful of small rocks.

"Stop blabbering and c'mon!" He said. Sighing, I got up and went to follow him. Except that he was running fast, and Codie was trotting beside me. Luke must know his way back to the shack, cause he's well far ahead. He looks back every once in a while, but I still walk behind him. The trees are starting to become familiar from so many times we've gone past them. We've been here for maybe, around, 3 months. You learn quickly. The dark building started to come into view, and Luke finally stopped and gave me time to catch up. He leaned against a tree as I walked over to him.

"So, you wanna explore outside and I'll look inside?" I suggested. Luke shrugged.

"Sure. If you find anything, shout." Luke said. I nodded and approached the weak wooden door. I slowly pushed it open and it made a loud screeching noise that made me flinch. I swung the door open and stepped inside. Dust filled my nose and I squinted my eyes. It took a while for my eyes to adjust to the darkness, but god it was dark. Except the tiny light coming from between the wood planks- it was what I needed, though. I carefully stepped onto the creaky floorboards and scanned the are for any sign of a weapon- or even a sharp pencil. Nothing more than a wooden desk and a creaky bed frame. The light from the broken wood planks lets me see that there is a handle on the desk. A drawer. I rush over there and knee by the desk. I slip my fingers under the handle and grip it tightly. I give it a slight pull and it wedges out with a loud crack. I grip both sides of the drawer and pull it all the way out. Inside, theres a lighter, a blank piece of paper and a match box. I grabbed the match box and shook it- it didn't sound like matches. It clinked wit metal. Curious, I pulled the box from its packaging and of course, there are 10 small metal bullets inside. Oh wonderful, what do we do with bullets and no gun? Just as I was about to put them away, a gunshot rings through the air. I shove the lighter and bullets into my back pocket and run outside. I jump onto the sand and run around to the back of the cabin. Codie was jumping at Luke- who had a shot gun. He was aiming at a tree- that now had a bullet whole inside.

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