Its All Fun And Games Until Someone Interups...

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A/N: 825 reads?! Almost 1k!!!!


The next morning, I woke up alone. Codie and Luke were both gone. I rolled onto my back and blinked rapidly. Pushing my self up, I walked out and stood in the bright sun. I looked around, seeing nothing. I wonder where they went. Shrugging, I sat at the entrance, and ate an apple that I got the night before. I munched on the apple and stared out. Where were they? I chewed some apple, and my stomach rumbled. No more apples. I chucked the unfinished apple aside and sighed. What if I leave? No, not a good idea. A rustling came from the west side of the cave. I scrambled to my feet and ran over to my bow. I frantically put the arrows on my back and grabbed one. I set it on the bow string and pulled back. In doing so, I eased my way to the west wall, and edged around the corner. I peeked and saw nothing, just bushes, which made me more cared. I gritted my teeth and exited the cave with caution. I was about to lower by bow when I was tackled from behind. I made a loud oomph as whatever landed on me.

"What the.....fuck?" I muttered. I heard laughter and barking. I opened my eyes and saw Luke, he was sitting on my stomach. I pushed on his side as my legs were being sat on my the dog.

"Good morning." Luke said cheerfully, I scowled at him.

"Can you not?" I asked frustratingly. Luke shook his head.

"Sorry, dear. No can do." Luke said chuckling.

"Why?" I tried to wedge myself free, but Luke stayed put.

"Because I said so." He said. I grunted in pain.

"You're acting like a child." I breathed out and pushed on his side again.

"I am a child." He said smiling. It wasn't funny. ''I'm a ten year old on the inside." He added. I shook my head.

"I'm dating a child," I muttered and continued to try to push him off.

"And I'm dating a bossy bitch." He said. I stopped and looked at him. Anger surged inside me.

"I'm am not bossy! Now get off me!" I exclaimed frustratingly.

"See! You're demanding that I get off you. Thats not nice." Luke taunted. My legs felt like they have been lifted, as Codie came to my side. Using this opportunity, I swung my leg around and tried to kick Luke, I failed. Luke laughed.

"I've got you trapped." He chuckled.

"Get. Off. Of. Me. I growled. He looked away hurt.

"How could you talk to me like that?" He asked with fake hurt. He put his hand on his chest.

"One, because I'm angry. Two, I'm in pain. Three, you're super annoying!" I pushed on his side again, and as before, he didn't budge. Luke ignored me, so I got more pissed off. Instead of pushing his side, I punched as hard as I could. Luke cried out in pain and rolled off of me. I wriggled away from him and Codie and tried to take several deep breaths. It was hard, and painful. Luke recovered, and was on his feet now. I swallowed.

"You have three seconds-" before he could finished his sentence, I bolted in the opposite direction. I had my bow and arrows with me, but I'm not going to shoot Luke. That would be mean. Right? Codie's loud bark caused me to run faster. I swerved past trees and jumped over logs. Slowly, I heard footsteps coming closer to me and I took a sharp right turn. Soon enough, the footsteps disappeared and all I could hear was the pounding of my feet and my heart thumping. An opening in the forest appeared, so that was not good. I stopped, and looked around. A tall tree was not 20 feet away from me. I ran for it, slipped my bow with my arrows and frantically started climbing. Ignoring my shaky hands, I kept grabbing onto branches and nubs. I was at least half way up when leaves crunched from under me. I froze in my place.

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