Fruit Romance

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(Autumn's POV)

When Luke came back with the fruits, I was amazed. I couldn't believe what he had found. But, there was one problem.

"Luke?" His head turned to me.

"How do we cut them open?" I asked curiously.

"Shit. Didn't think of that." Luke confessed. Luke sat staring at the pineapple for a moment.

"Are you in love?" I asked. He looked up from the pineapple.

"With that pineapple?" I chuckled, pointing at the fruit held tightly in his hands.

"Oh yeah. This banana is jealous." He said and picked up the banana, waving it around

"Okay. What are we going to cut it open with?" I asked again and grabbed a banana.

"I don't know. I guess we'll have to make some weapons." Luke shrugged.

I peeled my banana and took a bite of the sweet fruit. The sweetness made my taste buds tingle. I barely took three bites before it was gone. Luke handed me another, I gladly accepted it. This time, I ate it slowly. Luke eyed me the whole time. Creepy.

"Has no one ever told you to not stare at someone while they're eating a banana?" I asked, raising an eyebrow, he shrugged.

"Having a good time?" Luke chuckled, peeling his own banana

"Eh. The banana is delicious though." I shrugged and tossed the peel beside my first one.

"Good." Luke grabbed a banana as well when a thought came to me.

"Toss me two more bananas," I said, standing.

"Yeah. Here," Luke said and handed me 2 banana's.


My legs were stiff from sitting. I walked over to the sleeping dog and sat down beside him. I poked is belly so he'd wake up.

And he did. "Here," I said and peeled the banana.

I split it up into small pieces so he didn't struggle with chewing. I opened his jaw a little and stuck the banana piece in. He chewed with no difficulty and when he swallowed, I put the rest in front of him and he rolled over on his stomach so he could eat. I smiled. Luke must've sensed my happiness because he slipped his arm around my waist. I turned to see his smiling face.

"Thank you." I said, gesturing to the fruit on the ground.

"Anytime." He said, smiling.

I continued to stare at his face when he started to lean in. I leaned in too. When our lips touched, I got shivers down my spine. His lips were soft and perfect. When we parted Luke smiled at me. I've been waiting to kiss Luke since Grade 8. Abby and I have been waiting for the moment, just waiting. Hold on, Abby must've found out about mom and I. The poor girl is probably crushed. She thinks I'm dead, but I'm not. But that does remind me, we have to make a signal fire. So the smoke can attract attention of a boat passing by.

"Shall we get some sleep?" Luke asked me. I blinked a couple times, focusing.

"Yeah sure." I shrugged.

"But where?" I asked standing up.

"I'll be right back." Luke said and walking out the cave entrance.

I was left alone in the dark. Every single noise, I jumped at. Why did I watch so many horror movies?

Maybe Luke was killed by a demon or a ghost. Stuff like that doesn't exist. Well, what am I supposed to do now? Wait? Thats probably it.

Sighing, I went back over to Codie and sat down beside him. I stroked his fur and went through my most favourite memories. I remember when Mom took my to Canada's Wonderland for my 7th birthday. I rode all the rides I could, because when I was 7, I was a short dainty kid.

I smiled at my innocence back then. I didn't know a thing about boys until I hit grade 5. Grade 5-11 were my best years. I went through a whole bunch of my favourite childhood memories. When I was done looking through my mental memory book, thoughts of my mother came to mind. She died like my father. On a boat. My fears were very real. I mentally slapped myself. This is not the time to get sad, there will be plenty of time for that after.

Not a moment later, Luke came through the cave entrance carrying some undergrowth from the jungle.

"Nice. I bet you had to use your super strength to rip those out." I said sarcastically. Luke smirked.

"Yep. And it was pretty hard." Luke said and sat down beside me.

"You okay?" Luke asked, setting the growth down.

"Yeah" I said, with a fake smile. Luke cocked an eyebrow at me.

"What?" I asked, taking a bit of the plants. Luke shook his head.

"Oh, nothing." He smiled, causing me to roll my eyes. He knows something is up.

"I miss my mother," I muttered to the air. Luke sighed and dropped the leaf he was shaping.

"Hey, your not the only one. My brother, mom, and sister were on that boat and they died. I think my brother and sister got away on life boats, but my parents didn't. I'm still going to go on a cruise or a boat whenever I get the chance." He explained. I could see the pain in his eyes and I could hear the pain in his voice.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know. I feel horrible." I rested my face in my hands. Luke lifted my chin gently.

"Its okay. We won't talk about that right now. Right now, we have to go to sleep." Luke said, setting the last leaf down.

"Okay." I said. Luke laid the undergrowth down and sort of weaved them together. I stood and watched. Luke carefully lowered himself onto the vine like things and put his arms behind his head. And closed his eyes. I watched him. He must've felt my stare because he opened his eyes and patted the space beside him. I whipped my head around and then pointed at myself.

"Me?" I asked with a dumb expression.

"Duh. Come here." Luke said, smiling.

I rolled my eyes and joined him on the tendrils. My back faced him as I laid down.

"Good night, Autumn." Luke said behind me.

"Night, Luke." I replied.

My eyes shut and I was just about the drift off when I felt Luke's arm come over me. Not a moment later I was asleep.

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