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I awoke with my body still feeling numb. Instead of the water I feel asleep in, I was on hard ground. Sand.

I sat up and noticed a killer headache coming on. Groaning, I strained my neck around to see my surroundings. I was on an Island. The ocean waves were lightly touching my feet. I stood up and almost fell. I re-gained my footing when I herd a familiar whimper. I whipped around around and saw Codie laying on the beach.

"Codie!" I meant to scream but my throat was so sore, it came out as a whisper. I knelt down beside him and he was breathing. He was dehydrated. I need to find water.

I left the beach and entered the jungle. I walked through the jungle, jumping at every sound. I couldn't find any water, so, instead, I decided to go back to the beach. I made twists and turns as I tried to find my way through the tree branches.

At one point, a huge spider landed on me. I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Get off me you little fucker!" I yelled. I tried to shake the spider off me but I couldn't tell if it was still there.

I ran back to the beach, screaming all the way. At the beach, I ran into the direction of the water. I dove under the water hoping for that damn spider to drown. After, I ran out of breath, I surfaced the water. I spun around making sure the spider was gone. After I knew I was spider-free, I calmly walked out of the water and ran back to Codie's side.

"Oh, Codie." I whispered and broke down into a mountain of sobs.

"Mom...Abby...Luke...Codie." I muttered as I cried for a while. I was sitting beside Codie when I saw his head move.

"Codie?" I said wiping my eyes. He whimpered softly. I looked down at leg, it looked sprained. I inched slowly towards his paw. I touched it and he flinched back. I ignored his finch and grabbed his leg gently. I remembered about some stretchy leaves in the forest. I got up and walked back into the jungle thing.

Hopefully, I won't get attacked by a demon spider again. I cautiously edged my way into the forest. I was walked for about 10 minutes when I came across the leaves.

I took a couple off the branch and gathered them. On my way back, I found some durable vine to use. Taking my materials back to Codie, I smacked my head a good 9 times on branches. I kept tripping on the tree roots that were out of the ground. I safely made it too the beach and ran to Codie's side. I lowered myself so I could wrap his leg. I took his leg in my hand, and started wrapping it with the leaves. After the wrapping was done, I tied it tight with vine. I was sobbing through the process. Is there any survivors?

I might as well die here, with the only person I love left. Codie stirred when I finished the wrap. I looked into his innocent eyes, he was terrified. Couldn't blame him, I was too. I pulled Codie into my lap and cried. I herd someone ran up beside me. I must be hallucinating, because I saw no one here. Maybe I'm dying.

"Shh, Autumn it's okay." The 'person' said. Involuntarily, I flung myself into the person's arms. I felt the stern arms wrap around me tightly. After a while of me sobbing, I decided enough crying. Time to work on survival. I slowly pulled away from the warm strong arms holding me. I wiped my eyes enough so I could see the person. It was Luke.

"Luke?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah. Autumn, it's me." Luke told me calmly.

"How?" I asked, my voice still raspy.

"Well, I herd you scream, and searched the whole half of the island looking for you." Luke said.

"Do you have any water?" I asked. He nodded.

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