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A/N: :D

I awoke to the sound of crumbling rocks and cursing. I opened my eyes- it was dark. I rolled onto my side and looked up at the mountain. Luke was trying ti climb it- but isn't getting far. I silently watched him as he tried. He grabbed different small ledges and tried to pull himself up, but always, he failed. He tried multiple times, and stayed the same. He cursed one more time, and I had to put my hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing.

"You know, if you lifted you're feet first and then placed you're hands, you'd be more successful." I said standing up. Luke turned around and sighed.

"Easy for you to say." He said his head shining with sweat. "I bet you can't even do it." He added. I huffed.

"Is that a challenge?" I asked. Luke nodded.

"C'mon little girl." He stepped up to me. I hated being called a little girl. God, it drove me nuts

"Fine. Side by side. First to top, wins." I crossed my arms and folded them across my chest.

"Fine. Get ready." I strong my bow across my back- along with my arrows. I stepped up to the bottom of the mountain as Luke stepped up too. I looked at him and back at the hill. It was pretty steep, and not many places I can climb, but its worth a shot.

"Ready? On the count of three." Luke started. I nodded and smiled

"3, 2, 1!" Luke finished. I immediately grabbed onto a crack and quickly stepped up. I looked over at Luke, and he isn't even off the ground. I smirked and continued to climb. Sweat started running down my back as I kept climbing. It wasn't as difficult as I thought. It wasn't a large mountain either, so I made it too the top in 10 minutes. I looked down at Luke, he was half way there. I stood up on the top and shook my head. I looked over the tree tops. I could see the blue sea. I looked around, found some sticks and some leaves. And sat in the middle and started to build a fire pit. How am I gonna start it? I have no lighter, no matches, nothing. Luke pulled himself up onto the top, and he laid on his back.

"Took ya long enough." I said. Luke turned his head and flared at me.

"I'm not a spider monkey!" He rubbed his hands through his blonde hair and sat up.

"Shush, get up and help me!" I said. Luke sighed and hopped to his feet. He came over and sat down.

"What with?" He asked, his tone softening.

"Make fire." I pointed to the lump of sticks and leaves and sat back.

"Okay, how do I do that?" He asked. I shrugged.

"I can't seem to remember." I said shrugging.

"Kay, gimmie a sec." He said. He sat cross legged. He picked up 2 larger sticks. He put one down flat, and placed the other on top. It looked like an upside down T. He placed his hands on either side of the stick, and started rubbing them together. He moved up and down, the stick twisted on the other one, causing smoke. I watched, as Luke continued to do that. Soon, a flame started. I smiled.

"Good job." I said kissing his cheek.

"Well, that survival class did come in handy." He smiled. I searched around again, and got a small bunch of twigs and a couple big sticks.

"We need to make another one." I said sitting across from the now-lit fire.

"Alright set it up." Luke said impatiently. I laughed.

We finally got all three fires set up, and roaring loudly. The sun started to come up, and I could see again.

"We need more smoke." I said throwing a leaf into one of the fires.

"Yeah. But, how?" Luke asked. "I have an idea!" He added. I didn't speak.

"Codie has been shedding like crazy, I'm sure theres some stuck on a branch somewhere. Why not try to use his fur? Isn't it like straw?" Luke suggested.

"Thats genius! I'll head down the mountain, because you'll take to long." I stood up, slipped off my bow and arrows.

"Good. Because I don't want to climb that mofo again." Luke said laying back on the grass. I smiled and stepped onto the edge of the mountain. It's easier to climb up, not down. I gulped and started to descend the rocky wall. It was hard, but I managed. About half way down, I jumped off. Codie was waiting at the bottom, sat under a tree. His tail wagged fiercely as I approached. I walked over and crouched by him.

"I need you're fur buddy." I said walking over to his side. He turns his head around to face me. I touched his side and gripped onto some fur. I gently pulled and it came out easily. He looked at me and his tongue fell out of his mouth. I pulled a couple times, until I got three handfuls. Wait, I didn't think this through. How am I going to climb with my hands full? Oh god, please don't let this be my only option. Sighing, I stood up. With one hand, I pulled the neck of my shirt down and stuffed my hand inside. I released the fur and it tickled my chest. I did it with the other hand. I looked down, it was like I had a rabbit stuffed down my shirt and in my bra. I walked back over to the mountain, and it tickled the whole way there. I climbed- despite the tickling in my chest. I made it to the top, and Luke was sitting staring at a fire. He took one look at me and smiled.

"Whats down you're shirt?" He asked smiling. I fake smiled. I pulled on my neck collar and pulled out the two handfuls of fur. Luke burst out in laughter. I handed him the fur, and he kept laughing.

"What was I supposed to do? My pockets are full!" I said. I grabbed the hem of my shirt and shook it out. Small bits of fur flew out and into the air. Luke was spreading the fur around in each fire. Black smoke was rising and it was thick. I could barely see Luke through the smoke. He stepped around and came up beside me.

"Now what?" He asked.

"Now, we wait." I said.

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