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A/N: diff POV

(Luke's POV) ;)

I awoke the next morning, on something soft and squishy. I opened my eyes, and the bright sun peered down on my face. I blinked a couple times, and moved. I was laying on sand, with Autumn sleeping on my chest. I kissed her forehead. I learned a lot about her yesterday, which was good. Codie sniffed around the sand and started digging. I looked over at him, he turned his head, looked at me, and continued digging. Dogs. Why didn't I get one? I got stuck with a dumb ass cat. No offence to cats, I love them. But, my cat -Milo- was as dumb as a brick. He was a tabby, and really stupid. One time, I was like 13 and I went to go to bed. I crawled into bed, and he was laying under the covers at the bottom of my feet, chewing on a condom. Course I knew what it was, but eww. I called for my mom- and she was pale. I had to admit, it was pretty funny. But, I never had a dog. Of you count the homeless dogs, then yes I had a dog. But, other than that dumb cat, no pets. Just as I was about to call out to Codie, he barked and pawed at the hole me made. Autumn stirred.

"What?" She asked, still half asleep.

"I think Codie found something." I said. Before I could move, Autumn got up and walked over to the hole. She motioned for me to come, I did. Some sand covered it up, and I can't see inside.

"Can you reach in?" Autumn's small voice asked.

" sec." I said. Honestly, I was scared outta ma mind. I took a deep breath dug my hand in. Something sharp cut my finger. I winced and pulled my hand out.

"Are you okay?" Autumn asked. I nodded. She went to reach in but I grabbed her hand.

"I don't want you to get cut. I'll get it." I said. She nodded and her handed retreated back to Codie's fur. I took another breath and dug my hand in. This time, I was careful. But I still couldn't see. Autumn dug her hands in and started pulling sand out. That girl could read my mind. Once I saw a flash of silver, I knew what it was. I gripped it tightly and pulled it from the sand. A hunting knife. I smiled as Autumn took it from me.

"Right when we need it." I chuckled. She nodded in disbelief. I studied the knife from her hands as she turned it around. It had a sliver curved blade, a leather handle and a couple screws in the handle.

"Should we practice knife throwing?" I asked. She looked in my direction and nodded happily.

"Let's go bathe first." She added while laughing. I looked down at my clothes and nodded. Wow, I just noticed that we've been wearing the same clothes since we got here. Still, they stayed intact. I would've worn a light blue top with jeans, but now, my top was a dull blue and my jeans were black. Autumn's clothes weren't much different. I remember her wearing a green long sleeved top, with light blue jeans. Hers were now dull and boring, and also she had a cut in her arm where the branch got her. I looked at it then and now, without her looking, and it seems fine actually. The hems of her sleeves were torn, and she had a couple holes near the stomach. She handed the knife to me. What am I going to do with it? Autumn stood up and grabbed her bow. I followed and grabbed my gun, carrying the knife in hand. I jogged to catch up with her.

"What game should we play?" I asked. She looked at me and smiled. Even though we've been on this island for 5 months, she's still beautiful as ever.

"A game?" She asked disbelievingly. I shrugged.

"Yeah." I chuckled. She shook her head and turned away.

"Well, maybe when we get to the water, we could play Marco polo." She suggested. Haven't played that in a while now actually.

"Perfect idea." I smiled. She didn't slow her pace and it was a struggle to keep up. I could feel something radiating off her. Some type of emotion I can't figure out. Anger? Frustration? Excitement? Who knows. So, we keep walking, in silence. I got anxious, because Autumn still hasn't said anything and I'm getting worried. Finally, the mystical pond came into view again and relief rushed through me. Being here, it was like a dream. I felt calm. Autumn feels the same. Sure, this was the first place she tried to commit suicide... but, it was the first time I confessed my love to her. Today, though, she was off. But as soon as we got to the pond, I felt the tension in the air drown away. We got to the waters edge and I slipped off my shoes- that weren't very nice now. As soon as I did, I jumped into the icy water envelope my body. I held my breath as I sank to the bottom. It was quiet. A movement caught my eye, and I opened it to see a fish swim by my head, in graceful movements. Something caught the fishes eye, and it darted away. I looked up and saw Autumn's figure above me. I mentally smirked, and pushed myself up a little- just enough. I used both my hands to grab both her ankles and drag her down. I heard a faint scream, and her legs flailed in my grip. I dragged her to the bottom and quickly swam away. I pushed again on the sandy bottom until she was out of sight. I surfaced and took a large breath of water. Looking over the top of the water, I didn't see her anymore. Oh god no. I quickly swam across the surface of the water and got my way to where I last saw Autumn. The ripples from her going under were still there. Swimming to the spot where I pulled her down, I felt the same pressure on my ankles and was quickly dragged to the bottom of the pond. Low and behold, there was Autumn, grinning wildly. I stared at her wide eyed. I just got played by my own damn trick. She pointed to the surface and I nodded. We took hands and pushed off the sand. Once reaching to the top, I flipped my hair out of my eyes.

"Get a taste of your own medicine, huh?" She joked. I shook my head.

"By a girl?! My manhood is violated." I pretended to act hurt, which earned me a slap upside the head.

"Now what?" She asked. I laughed.

"How about that game?" I winked, she rolled her eyes.

"Okay. Fine you-" She started but I interrupted.

"YOU FIRST!" I yelled before swimming away.

"Boys." She muttered, but I heard anyways. I watched her close her eyes and watched her mouth move as she counted. I couldn't help but stare.

"MARCO!" Her scream made me blink. Stop staring. I answered her quietly and started swimming around. Suddenly, she dove into the water and started swimming. I swam as quietly as I could. Which, I didn't succeed very well. I went under about 13 times and she almost got me twice. I stayed in place as she swam towards me. She reached towards me, I dove under and let air out of my lungs so I would sink. Finally, she swam away, just in time because my lungs were starting to burn. Pushing off the ground, I surfaced, and got a tap on the shoulder.

"I win." Autumn said cheekily. I rolled my eyes. I grabbed her by the waist, which caused her to blush.

"Do you win now?" I asked. She had no words, perfect. I pressed my lips onto hers, now she has nothing to say.

A/N: :) ;)



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