Fun times

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Authors note: thank you so much for over 200 reads!!!!!!


(Autumns POV)

The walk back was pretty boring, I kept thinking of the letter in my pocket. If we did get off this island, it would be hard to find his wife and send the message. I was thinking along when I tripped over a tree root and fell flat on my face. I herd Luke laugh ahead of me. I laid in the grass for a moment before Luke came and sat down beside me.

"You know, clumsiness won't help on an island." he joked and sat against the tree.

"Yeah well, I can't help it." I snapped still face down in the grass.

"No attitude needed." Luke said unapprovingly.

"Sorry. I just want to get out of here." I said finally sitting up.

"Wanna go back to the pond?" He asked.

"Do you remember the way?" I asked. He nodded and we stood up. I herd a barking off in the distance. Codie.

"Shit. Forgot Codie." I chuckled and ran back to the cave entrance.

"Hey boy," I said undoing his leaf from his collar. He wagged his tail and jumped on me. I petted his head and we went back to the tree where Luke had his back to us. I shooed Codie to o and jump on him, he obeyed. I watched the large dog bolt for Luke. Luke turned around just in time to see Codie jump onto him. In a split second, the two large bodies hit the ground with a thud. I ran over laughing and I saw a lump of fur and 6 legs. I herd Luke's laugh and I knelt beside them.

"Enjoy the dog?" I asked laughing.

"Just wonderful." Luke said sarcastically. He lifted the large dog of of him and sat up. I laughed at Codie sat down beside me.

"What do we do now?" I asked.

"First of all, we go back to the pond. Second of all, we go back to the beach and find a way to get home." Luke said as he stood up. I followed and walked beside him as Codie trotted ahead. Looking around at my now familiar surrounds an sighed. We walked through the undergrowth of the jungle, I pulled back a branch for Luke to go under. We past many tree's with colour fruit and leaves. One tree, glistened with dew drops from early sunrise, the way the light hit the droplets made them seem with crystals. It was beautiful, in a way more then the way they look. But, suddenly, thunder stuck from above us and a branch came falling down.

"Run!"Luke screamed. I ran, with Codie way ahead he took a sudden left turn. Trusting the dog, I followed. We went for a couple hundred meters before open water and sand was in view. But, I was completely blindsided by a falling branch. It hit me square in the head. I fell to the ground. I looked around and everything was spinning and blurry. I needed to get to the beach, so I got up and ran for the small opening. The plats got in the way, but I made it. The sky was a dark grey and the ocean was black. Codie was under a tree on the edge of the tree line. Where was Luke? I looked around frantically for my friend, who was nowhere to be seen. I stepped back into the tree line and waited with Codie. The wind roared loudly and the trees blew along. The jungle was quiet, seems that all the animals went into lockdown. I patted Codie's head as he laid down. I was really getting worried about Luke. Soon enough, the storm will be over. After a while of rustling winds and the roaring lake, it die down a bit. The rain didn't stop of course, but the thunder and lightening were gone. I got up, dusted off my pants and went out to the beach. I saw something in the water off in the distance. I squinted my eyes and realized what it was. A log. I mentally slapped myself for silly thoughts. I turned back to the beach and sat back down with Codie. He growled as the bushes ruffled. I grabbed a hold of Codie's collar as he growled aggressively. The bushes ruffled more and something jumped out. Luke. Codie stopped growling and waged his tail. I sighed in relief as I noticed who it was. Luke smiled when he saw me.

"Hey." Luke said a he approached me.

"You okay?" I asked. He nodded in response and came and sat down beside me. I opened mouth to say something but I quickly shut it. Looking at the ocean, I saw the unbelievable. A ship. A large ship was passing by.

"Luke! Look!" I jumped up and pointed to the water.

"Is that?" He gasped. A smile spread across my face when I realized. We can finally go home.

"A boat! This is finally our chance." I smiled. I looked over to see Luke the same way. Before I could get my hopes up, the ship drifted away.

"W-What?" My smiled disappeared, so did Luke's.

"I-It's leaving." I could hear he disappointment in Luke's voice as he spoke.

"We're never getting out of here." I muttered and backed up slowly. Luke turned to look at me and I felt the tension and he sadness between us.

"Autumn, I-I'm so sorry-" He started. I couldn't take t anymore. I ran. I don't know where I was headed but I knew it would be far from here.


Authors note: Finished!




<3 Haylie

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