The Great Hang

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A/N: the chapter got deleted so I had to restart. But, I didn't really like the other one anyways :/ Finally, its written so here you go ;)

(Autumn's POV)

The sun made the ocean shine. It looked like millions of tiny diamonds in the light. I sighed as cold wind swept across my face. It was getting colder, and I'm getting really anxious. Will we even get snow? It's at least the beginning of November. I wrapped my arms around my knees to keep myself warm, just long enough until Luke gets back. A loud grunt made me jump. I turned to see Luke with multiple small logs attached to vines, and he's pulling them behind him. He dropped them and comes to sit beside me. I'm shaking and he has sweat on his brow. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead.

"C'mon. Let's start a fire." He said softly. I nodded and we headed back to the cave. The wind blew through my shirt the whole time, sometimes even making it go up. Once at the cave, I crawled inside and Luke left to get the logs. Codie came trotting in, with a small log in his mouth. I smiled as he dropped it. The sound of logs clanking made me poke my head out of the cave.

"Ready to make a fire?" Luke asked smiling.

"Yeah." I stepped out o of the cave and there was no wind. Luke pulled the logs to the entrance of the cave and sat down. I went over and sat beside him. We both picked up a log, but Luke stopped me.

"Wanna have a competition?" He smirked. I gulped.

"Depends." I said picking up another log. Luke took it from my hands.

"The best fire pit, and the first one to light it wins." Luke laid all the logs out in a straight line.

"What if I win?" I asked jokingly. Luke smirked, must be something dirty.

"You get to tie me to a tree by my ankles!" Luke said quickly. I laughed and nodded.

"What if you win?" I asked chuckling. Luke laughed.

"Same thing." He answered. I held out my hand.

"Log me." I said. He slapped a log into my hand and I gripped it tightly.

"3...2...1...GO!" Luke said. I started placing the logs in a teepee pattern. Shit, but how to I light them. I continued to make the teepee shape until there was no more openings. Fuck. I leaned close to one log, and tried my absolute hardest not to move it took quickly. But, I wasn't careful enough. I moved the log, and the whole thing came crashing down. I sighed in frustration and started to build again. This time, I laid a log flat on the ground and built around it. Finally, I got the shape. There was a little whole in the top, so I could put the stick in to light it. Grabbing a stick from nearby, I carefully lowered it into the logs and set it on the flat log. I leaned overtop and started rubbing my hands over the stick. Up, down, up, down. Smoke finally appeared after ten minutes. I let out a brea and smiled. I looked over a Luke for the first time, and his fire was already going and he was cooking some apple. Only, Luke would think of cooking an apple over a fire.

"Finally. You got it to light." Luke joked, popping a piece of apple in his mouth.

"Wait, I lost?" I asked sadly. Luke nodded triumphantly. Sighing, I laid back on the grass.

"C'mon. Time to be hung." Luke stood up and reached his hand out for me. Oh what a gentleman. Ugh. Luke always chooses the games he's good at!

"Fine. Let's go." I grunted and hopped off the ground. Luke grabbed my hand and squeezed gently.

"Whatcha gonna tie me up with anyways? And what tree?" I asked, Luke wasn't paying any attention. He just pulled me along slightly. I don't want to fall on my head, so it has to be a huge damn tree and some strong ropes. I've never hung upside down before, except when I was small and on the monkey bars. But, I had to choice to get down. Now, I don't have a goddamn chance. I'm starting to get anxious. Luke isn't saying anything, but he has a smirk on his face. I swear to god, that boy has that smirk on his face all the time- except when I'm kissing him.

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