Eros ×Vil Schoenheit X Reader× Part II/End

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You wanted to sigh loudly and deeply, but, you can't. Crewel's having a class and you can't concentrate, you're more scared at Vil than failing your Potions.

Yesterday night was a real nightmare, Vil caught you eating under a table at the kitchen. You were surprised when someone turned on the lights so you bumped your head at the table and nearly cried when Vil saw you. You stood up, bowed to him, and bolted to your room.

You left early today so he didn't have a chance to scold you, or even see you. Hopefully, Headmaster Crowley will call for a dorm leaders meeting.

Crewel ended his class and left. It's lunch time, you saw Floyd getting out of the classroom. Probably, going to his brother's room to piss Riddle or visit the first years to find a certain girl from Ramshackle that he always teases. It's obvious that he liked the girl, or he's gay 'cause, maybe, he's into Riddle.

You headed to the cafeteria, looking out for some familiar faces from your dorm. You'll get into trouble if you bumped into one of them, especially Rook. Rook looks like he knows everything around here.

"Mademoiselle! Going to the cafeteria?" Speak of the devil! There's Rook, walking at you while smiling.

Everyone has nicknames from Rook, except for you. He said he can't find one and you're thankful. If he does have a nickname for you, it will be 'Mademoiselle Depression'.

"Uh, Hi, Rook! Yeah, I just got out of class," You tried to sound excited, but, failed.

"Roi du Poison (King of Poison/Vil) was looking for you this morning," he said. I know, Rook, don't remind me.

"Is everything alright between you and Vil?" He asked. Both of you entered the cafeteria, thankfully, Vil didn't noticed your entrance. He was busy talking with Epel, or scolding him.

You smiled and nodded at Rook, "Yeah, I'm okay. We're okay. Everything's okay," It's not okay! You felt like you're gonna end up in hell for being a big liar.

Rook looked at you thoughtfully and smiled. "Well then, let's have lunch."

He dragged you into the line to get some food and a minute later, you are both seated near the entrance of the cafeteria. You waved at Yuu who entered with drooling Grim, and bickering Ace and Deuce.

You and Rook was surprised to see Leona entered the cafeteria, normally, he would just send Ruggie to get him some food. But, after getting lunch, he sat beside a friend of yours from Ignihyde. You don't want to know what will happened next, so, you concentrated at other things.

Like, Vil Schoenheit's staring at you, now.

You gulped the food that you were chewing in your mouth and avoided his gaze. I'm dead, you thought as you saw Vil standing up with Epel and are heading towards your table.

"Oh, Roi du Poison!" Rook exclaimed as they reach the table. "How's your lunch?"

"Just fine, Rook," Vil answered and looked at you. "Meet me later at the Movie Appreciation Clubroom after class."

You just nodded and he left. Epel was going to say something, but, decided not to. He saw Jack and left.

"Don't worry about, Vil. He's not gonna poison you or something," said Rook. I wish . . .


Afternoon classes are done and now, you're preparing for your end. How you wish that your club, the Mountain Lovers have some activities this afternoon. But, Jade didn't have plans and decided to help at Mostro Lounge, a cafe owned by the Octavinelle people.

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