MagiCam Hearts ×Cater Diamond X Reader× Part I

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It's already 11: 45 but you're still scrolling through MagiCam. You got class tomorrow but you don't care, Cater Diamond got a new post and now you're stalking him.

You followed Cater's account because you tap the follow button accidentally and ever since, you're updated with his posts. His posts are pretty aesthetic and fun to look at. He mostly post pictures with his classmates and Night Raven College, his school. You can't deny, he's cute.

You laughed at some funny pictures with his kouhais and some memes he shared. Then, you heard your door opened and your father entered and narrowed his eyes on you. You accidentally, again, tapped your phone in an attempt to hide it.

"Don't you have school tomorrow?" He asked. You grinned nervously and turn off your phone.

"Sorry Dad. I'm just scrolling through MagiCam. I'll sleep now," you entered your blanket. "G'night, Dad."

He smiled, "Good night, dear," and he closed your door.

You got up again and reach for your phone, you groaned when you saw what you just tapped. Now, Cater know that you've been stalking him. You just hearted his 2 months ago post.

You returned your phone to the table and closed your eyes. How can you sleep now?


Morning classes isn't just your thing, you yawned while staring outside the window. When will this class end?

Your eyes are starting to get heavy. . . . Fight the sleepiness . . . You can't afford to get caught sleeping by the teachers. It'll be a huge problem . . . like the problem that happened last night.

You slapped your face, hard. Everyone turned at you, confused why you did it.

"Is there a problem, miss [L/N]?" Your Mathematics teacher asked.

"N-no, sir," you nervously answered. He continued the class while you covered your face.

That was very embarrassing, and your face is stinging.

And at last, the hell like classess ended and you're now heading to the cafeteria.

You yawned again and rubbed your eyes. You regretted that you stayed late last night. Then, you turned around in surprised when someone hold your left arm.

It was your best friend and the school's crush (he didn't know, he's too dense), Miko. He looked worried.

"Are you okay, Miko?" You asked. He sighed.

"No, are you okay?" He raised his brow. You smiled.

"Yeah," you lied. "I'm okay, no worries. Are you going to the cafeteria, too?"

He nodded and the both of you walked through the halls. The cafeteria was crowded when you entered, so you decided to eat outside after you get your foods.

Miko and you sat at the grass and started to eat when your phone's notification sound rang. It was a message notification from MagiCam, from Cater Diamond.

You choked when you read who the sender was. You coughed and Miko worriedly handed you a bottled water. You drank it and calmed yourself, your heart is beating so fast.

"Please eat carefully or you'll end up dying because of eating," he groaned. You apologized to him, and again you checked your phone if you read it right.

From: Cater Diamond

Hiii!!! 👋 Thanks for following me, it's okay if u're stalking me 😂 did u just tapped it by accident while still stalking me? 🤔

Nevermind, just saying 😊. Is it okay if I keep messaging u?. . . I stalked u too btw. For information.

You stared at you phone's screen, your brain is loading and absorbing what just happened.

"[Y/N], are you okay? Are you not feeling well?" Miko asked, you didn't answer so he grabbed your phone and read the message, too. He frowned.

"That Cater Diamond again?" He returned your phone. "I suggest you ignore him."

"No way! This is my freaking chance!"

Some people near you turned around to see who just yelled. You blushed and Miko glared at them.

"Why do you like that Cater Diamond?" He asked. You think before answering.

"Well, I don't really like him, I just idolize him, maybe," you answered.

"Maybe . . . ," Miko repeated.

The both of you finished your lunch and returned to your classrooms.

"Oh, oh! I heard from one of our teachers that they're going to surprise us this upcoming Halloween!" Came from one of your girl classmate.

"Maybe surprise us with lots of assignments and exams."

"Ugghh, that would be sooo lame."

You smirked, you got more important stuff than them.


"Hi, Dad!" You greeted your father. He smiled and gave you a hug.

You ran upstairs and jumped into your bed, you pulled out your phone and started typing.

To: Cater Diamond

Sorry for the late reply, I am very sorry 😣. Yeah, I kinda accidentally tapped it. And yes... You can chat with me....

You hit the send button ang waited for a reply. Your father called you for dinner and when you returned a notification displayed on your phone.

From: Cater Diamond

Great! 🎉 What's your full name?

                                             I'm [Y/N] [L/N]

Well, you already know mine...
So, how's your day?

                                 Great! Things turned
                                             out well today.

Because of you....

You smiled and yawned, you can't sleep, yet.


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