Teeth ×Ruggie Bucchi X Reader×

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Requested by Magnoliapl
Sorry it took so long, also idk if this is anything you requested. It's short cause tbh this is me speedrunning shit, but just in time for Valentine's—


You immediately thought as Ruggie opened his mouth, revealing his full teeth and fangs. He then proceeded to chomp a double decker burger he just bought using Leona's money.

The cafeteria is as busier as every lunchtime ever, students bustling around doing who knows what kind of activities while eating. But your attention to the hungry hyena's teeth is undivided. You're about to put omurice on your mouth when your hand and the spoon you're holding literally stopped mid air.

You were bitten by those teeth before, you remember.

It was during your first week of history lessons when he fell asleep beside you and bitten you in his sleep. It's not a hard and deep bite, just a nibble maybe. He's probably dreaming of food, you thought, or he's just hungry.

The bell rang signifying the end of the morning class and it's time for lunch. He just quickly got up and headed straight for the cafeteria. You realized those fangs could've pierced your skin straight into your flesh.

Mouth still gaping open, it was when he looked back at you when you realized what you were doing. He grinned. You quickly put the omurice on your mouth and drank your water.

Ruggie moved closer. "What were you staring? Suddenly thinking of how much you like me?"

You blushed but chuckled. "No, I was just thinking about how sharp your teeth is—"

You stop when you realized what you just said. "Forget about it and just eat your food."

"Damn, that sounded kinky," said a voice near your table. You turned around to see Rei together with Yuu, Grim and the ADeuce combo. You blushed once again.

"Please, don't start teasing me."

"Too tired to do that," Rei answered. She's not been around NRC much these days. A school program or something like that. "I'll leave Ruggie to deal with you. Gonna go get some lunch."

You waved at them, still confused, as they headed on the cafeteria's food counter. Then you looked back at Ruggie who's been staring at you the whole time.

"What?" You asked.

"You do like me," he grinned, showing those sharp teeth again.

"Like the guy who bit me during a history lesson?"

"Eh? I told you I was sorry," he pouted.

"You tripped a friend."

"That's because of Leona."

He now looks at you with pleading eyes. You smiled.

"Fine, yeah. I admit, I do like you," you finally said.

His eyes glowed, his grin grew wider. He's literally blushing too right now.

"Now, let's eat our goddamn food. We're gonna be late."


Happy Heart's Day <3

And fuck, we're already in 2nd sem.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2023 ⏰

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