A Nocturnal Story ×Lilia Vanrouge X Reader×

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Requested by @sailorbleu

The lightning gave a faint light to the dark room. It was raining outside and the whole castle is silent. You sat in a chair near the window of the room, she was reading a book. It's late, but you couldn't sleep alone, it's kinda lonely. A candle is on the table beside you, the flames danced when the door opened. You looked at the man who entered the room. His long hair fall behind him as he walks towards you, his fangs showed when he smiled.

"My love," he said, giving you a kiss. "Why are you still awake?"

You smiled at him, too. "I couldn't sleep. So I decided to wait for your return."

"Then I guess we'll sleep together," he said and removed his black coat. You placed the book at the table beside the candle.

"Lilia," you called, he turned at you and smiled. "Why did you married me?"

"Are we going back there, again?"

"We have to . . ."

He sighed and kneeled infront of you, he held your hands and kissed them.

"My dear, [Y/N]," he looked at you, his eyes are gleaming. "I married you because I love you."

"But, those are just words," you pulled your hands from him and stood up, you looked outside, at the rain.

He stood up, too, hugging you from behind.

"And I will never say those words if I don't love you," he answered and kissed your neck.

You turned at him and hugged him back. Your smile finally returned, this man always know how to comfort you and make you happy.

His hands encircled your waist and his soft lips kissed yours again. And you melted into his arms.


Lilia stopped in the middle of the hallway and smiled bitterly. He was just heading to his next afternoon class. He looked outside, in the rain, while reminiscing the past. It's been a long time . . .

"Lilia?" He turned to see Trey Clover, his classmate behind him. "Why are you still here?"

He laughed and walked with him. "I just remember something, a very old memory from the past."

"You're talking like an old creature again," Trey said while chuckling. "Stop it, it's scary."

They entered the class 3-E room together.


You woke up without Lilia beside you. You sat in the bed and stared on his pillow. He's working early today.

You stood up, picking your clothes from the floor and hanged it up. You tidied the bed and took a warm bath. Even though it's still early, breakfast is already served in the castle. The queen likes to start her job right away when she wakes up.

You ate alone, not that you mind it. When you have nothing to do and no one is there to accompany you, you sometimes volunteer to help the servants around the castle. And to keep yourself busy. Lilia's often late when he return.

You're on the library most of the time, but, the sun's shining bright today so you headed outside after helping the maids at the kitchen. The ground is still muddy from last night's rain, you walked carefully.

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