Temporary High ×Malleus Draconia X Reader×

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Requested by Koro_Sensei657

Waking up with a headache was not what you planned today, you have a history test for the Great Seven's sake. You were studying until midnight last night so maybe this is now the effect. Well, you don't want Mozus Trein, your history teacher, to be disappointed at you. And as a third year, you have to set a good example for your juniors.

Still tolerating the headache, you got out of your room after changing. You went down to Ramshackle's kitchen and saw Yuu waiting for Grim to finish eating.

"Morning, [Y/N]!" Yuu greeted you cheerfully. You smiled.

Ramshackle dorm is a little quiet these days, most of your dorm members are too exhausted to even wake up this early. Earlier you passed by a member who fell asleep while brushing her teeth, apparently, Floyd gave her a tiring day at the beach yesterday. And Rei, an irregular member, is currently staying at Royal Sword Academy. Probably got tired of your headmaster.

"Hey, [Y/N]. You okay? You kinda don't look good," Grim said, munching whatever food he's having for breakfast.

You scoffed. "Grim, when did I ever look good?," You picked a strip of bacon from the plate on the table and starts nibbling on it.

Grim shrugged and looked at Yuu. "Well, if you aren't feeling well, we can just tell Professor Trein and maybe he'll let you pass this one out," Yuu offered.

"Thank you, I really appreciate it. But no, I have to take this test or I'll have more work on my plate," you washed your hands and the three of you went out together.

You waved them goodbye after you left them with the Adeuce combo. Your classmate, Cater Diamond, calls them that. You quickly passed by the main street and headed straight to History class, thankfully Trein is not there yet. But his cat, Lucius, is having the best day of his life, annoying Leona who can't sleep because of his noisy but adorable purring. It's funny how a cat can annoy another of its kind.

You sat down and massaged your head, it's getting worse. You groaned when you felt a sudden sting behind your eyes.

"Hey," someone called but you're too busy dealing with the pain to care.

"Hey, [L/N]. Are you okay?" you snapped out of it and looked up to see Leona's frowning face.

"Huh, what?"

"I said, are you okay?" He asked again, now more annoyed.

"Oh, yeah. Yes, I'm sorry," you answered and sat straight.

You jumped on your seat when Trein entered the room and something beside you appeared at the same time.
You gasped, Diasomnia's dorm leader is sitting right beside you.

"Hello, Miss [Y/N]," he said to you as he bow his head lightly. You backed away a little to avoid contact to his horns.

"Ah, h-hello to you too," you returned a bow to Malleus. Even though you've been classmates for a long time, this is getting a little too awkward.

"Just right on time, Mr. Draconia," you heard Trein said to him, Leona chuckled and the teacher proceeded with the lesson.

But, of course, with your darn headache, you can't concentrate with any of the topics. Magic crystals... Unknown kingdoms... Huh? Is the room changing temperatures?... It's hot... She's sent far away... Cursed to sleep...


Your eyes that felt like it's emitting hot air started to close. You frowned, the pain is too much.

"[Y/N]? You look pale, are you alright?" You tried to answer but a groan came out, you winced. Tears starts falling from your closed eyes.

You felt him stood up and heard him said something to Trein. The next thing you knew, he was carrying you back to your dorm.

"Sleep," he said softly. And so you did.


You opened your eyes, it's still heavy. And cold. You felt a blanket around you, you're in your bed and someone is sitting at the edge of it. Malleus...

Confused, you got up and he immediately turned to look at you with worry on his glowing eyes.

"Please, lie down again," he said, adjusting your blanket.

"But, what about the Trein, the test—"

"You're health is more important, and Trein allowed us to take it after," he gave you some medicine and offered a glass of water, you drank it. "Now rest and go back to sleep."

"I don't think I can sleep again," you said as you stared at the ceiling. "You should go back to class."

"I think I'll stay with you until you close your eyes," he said as he lightly massaged your palm. You smiled.

"For a prince, you have a knack in taking care of someone who's sick."

He smiled back. "No, I just like taking care of you."

You felt your cheeks heated up. Has you fever returned?

Malleus looked worried again. "Are you not feeling well again?"

"No! No, it's just temporary."

"Your temperature is rising again."

"Yeah, yeah, it's just temporary high. It'll end and you can get back to your usual things. Don't mind me," You hid yourself under your blanket. You heard Malleus chuckled.

"I don't think I can go back."


The only thing my braincells can handle in the meantime :'(

Guess this is like some calming tea for the upcoming shit that Chapter 7's gonna drop.

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