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If Serena thought I didn't notice all the looks I got from her then she's highly mistaken, of course, I'm used to that quite a bit, I do get looked at by many females but they haven't affected me as such to be honest, anyway, I already had dinner, I did tell mum that I'll be back only later, But I guess she had to make sure than I'm ok before going to bed, She's been like that always,

She doesn't know this, But, One day I heard her talking to a friend of hers about getting a Little pupper, Now I'm not the greatest fan of dogs or cats in general but I don't hate them either, so that's when I began the search for a good lil' pupper, Well I did find one. Or rather two, What? They were all sooo cute, I couldn't help it, Plus they're quality breeds,

I'll have to go and pick the two of 'em up from Utah, Now here's the problem, The ride there is like 11 hrs each, Which is possible, Entirely. I've done long rides, I'll just need a lot of coffee stops, But. I could change things up this time around,

I know mums not been out too much lately. Oh I never told ya, My mum did finish studying to become a Chef, Now I won't allow her to work, not because of any sexism that exists inside me, It's because she's overworked herself a lot for me, So now I'll take care of her, entirely. So she started her own 'YouTube' channel, Where she cooks, I don't know anything other than that, nor do I care, to be honest, She can have all the fun in the world and more for all I care, Just without working a real job.

So I'll just have to ask her if she's free enough to come upstate with me, Because half the time she's 'busy' no that I'm complaining or something. I get to eat the food.


"Ooh that's a great idea" My mum, Delia Shouts out in happiness, I guess she wanted to go on a road trip after all, of course, she doesn't know the agenda, all she knows is that we're going to Utah, I have work and she goes to meet some friend of hers who already there. "When do we have to get up?" She asks, "Well provided we start off early. Maybe we'd be back by around 2 or 3 the day after, to be honest" I say,

I should have known this was gonna happen, Couldn't say I didn't see this one coming, "Ashton Anderson Ketchum, I will not put up with your antics of doing a 24 hour day, not now, not ever" She said sternly. Two-day trip it is then.

We packed up everything for two days, I asked Paul to manage all the work for two days, I also told him that I'd try to get most of the work done but still...better safe than sorry right?

It's currently 6 am and both mum and I are ready, I already went ahead and picked up my Bentley Bentayga, this one is one of my more stock choices, I bought the car in British Racing green, One of my favourite greens, I had packed one bag for the things that'll be required to bring the dogs back home without damaging the upholstery in the back seat,

I also had a small bag with my clothes, My laptop and its accessories. I've also been hiding something big from Gary and the board, Including Paul, Now I know that we have a lot of offices in different major countries and states, for example, the building in NYC or the building in Toronto or Japan, Yes when you run a company so have multiple branches, but the one in California...it holds a lot of memories, it's our head office and is very old, And honestly it's time to upgrade,

And upgrade I did, The monstrosity that is a 50 story Skyscraper...Yep...goals baby! I just finished signing the final papers to acquire that building under my real estate business, Yes. I do have a real estate business. I'm an entrepreneur..truth is nobody even knows about my real estate business..even Paul, which is quite surprising, considering that he does most of my paperwork, like I've said he's a gem of an assistant.

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