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I feel very tired nowadays and the workload has increased so much, I did notice the stock market drop in our shares but I didn't worry about it then, but now I'm starting to get worried; I don't want this to go worse than what it is as of now, it's at these times that I really admire other companies, I know mum and dad are working just as hard as me, it's not like they didn't see all this so I just do my part of the business.

It was almost 5:30 pm on the clock, I know that Ash has a meeting today, he said that he'll be in Miami for it today and he left yesterday, I don't really know what the meeting was for though, probably something to do with his designs and whatnot...anyway I go to my parking spot and get into my xc60, I think Volvo as a brand is very underrated despite being very good, In fact, the only other Volvo drivers I know of are Ash and his mom, well Ash has a couple of lot of cars to drive around but his mum has an s90 and a Defender 2020, Ash has a few polestars tuned Volvo's that he helped design, last week after finishing his tour he showed me all the cars he helped design, they were marvellous.

Right now though I'm going to head over to Ash's house where Delia said that Ash will be and I can put my culinary skills to use by making him dinner because I know that Ash can make really good food, its too damn good, it doesn't rival with my mothers or even his mums, but he can surely outdo my dad and put him in his place after his claims of making the best food ever, in fact, every time my mum asks dad to do something to a dish that she makes like for example adding spices or something like that which he'll do well but then he'll be like this dish is good because I'm the one who put the spices... get what I'm trying to say here? Good!

I parked next to her defender because the s90 is probably in the driveway at the front of the house, as I told you before this house is insane, its got two garages, the small one that Delia calls her own and then Ash's underground workshop, he has a thing with underground workshops...I've noticed that now.

I got inside the house, Delia and I have become really good friends over the past few months, I mean she's supposed to be my mother-in-law in a couple of months, but we have a mother and daughter relationship of kinds already because she's not had a daughter...same with my parents and Ash, though I'm pretty sure they like him more than they like me, which is an ongoing joke at the house.

Just as I got in the kitchen, I was pulled into a bone-crushing hug by Delia, she does that all the time and I'm really starting to get worried about my bone strength because the comfort lasts only as long as the hug after which it hurts like a b! tch.

I still haven't seen Ash and it's been a couple of hours since I've come here, I'm done with food and I've played with all the three dogs and now I'm bored, so I do what a bored person usually does, annoy others, am I right? Or am I right, I make my way over to the garage, this is what Ash calls the Porsche museum, he adores them and keeps them here, Delia doesn't necessarily know about the other facility, she thinks its just this and anything else that he brings is what the companies provide as a solid base for him to work on. Brilliant this. No?

I got in through the basement door and got down the staircase admiring the cars like always. I spotted him in his element, in his design room, the pen in his hand and concentrating whilst designing something on his visual design program, have I ever told you about all that muscle he hides under his shirt? No? well here's the thing, I'm all in for all the got guys in Hollywood but this...piece...of...art...looks like a model, I don't even think he realizes it, he keeps it under his shirt which gives me unprecedented access to his body, well ladies now the man's almost taken, given a few months..he's off the market...wow I sound like some T.V host.

Well Ash has insisted I take a couple of days off because apparently, I'm overworking myself, I don't think he knows but my parents' company is losing market value, just a few days back one of our major stockholders sold their stocks off, I did hear that one of Teal Inc's subsidiary brands bought the entire stock and from what I heard their representative didn't skip a beat, smoked the competition, burned 'em to the ground.

"didn't see you there...I was wondering where you were," Ash said as he started making his way out of his office or design room as to how I like to call it. Ash went to take a shower while Delia and I set up the table, Ash came into the room and sat down, his hair slightly wet his loose white muscle tee which fit him like second skin didn't do much to my imagination, I didn't realize where I was until Delia wiped some drool with a tissue paper, "Young love" she giggled and went by to the table with the salad, leaving me a flustered mess.

Eventually, I went back to the table and started eating with them, its always fun with these two, they're like siblings, always bickering around and pranking each other, sometimes they work together to frank me as well, and when they fail which is rare with Ash being the planner and Delia's knowledge of what to use for maximum efficiency its always to the point, after dinner Ash helped us with the dishes, a man who helps with the household work is always an accepted one.

Afterwards, Delia insisted that I stay here tonight so I called my mom to tell her that I'd be staying the night and guess what she said, something I never thought I'd hear from a mother..." don't use protection" like what in the bloody fracking s#it is that, first off Ash and I haven't been intimate in that kinda way yet, because he's just comfortable and a cuddler, but I'm starting to get really horny around him especially since he sleeps in basically boxers and I sleep with just one of his t-shirts or something and nothing else...what? Girls gotta be comfortable somehow or the other, I know Ash likes to sleep naked but he can't because he doesn't want things to be awkward, and he doesn't know that I sleep naked because he's either decent enough to not check down there or he knows and says nothing about it, but I do check him out once he's asleep, I mean he's essentially my hubby, if I ain't got no rights then I don't know who does, to be honest, and I LIKE what I see especially in the morning when he sleeps in a bit or something because...MAMMA MIA.

I'm not gonna go down into too many details because this book is relatively pg but damn!

Sometimes I go for a run with Ash in the morning, all flustered because he'd be awake as I stare at him and he'll be like I know you like what you see. Sometimes he's smug with me, and only me, one of the finer things in life apart from the materialistic finer stuff that I guess both of us have is the part where we understand each other quite a bit, even though our personalities are entirely different, we find a kind of solace in each other in person when its just us.

I did go home after having breakfast the next morning...Ash made it for Delia and I, Ash was having a couple of meetings in Germany next week and he invited me to go there with him, I wonder how that'll go. After which I'll come back while Ash will go to London and then come back only the week after that, and by then all the deal with our company and our new stockholders will be over and I'll take a week-long vacation by the beach. I swear to god.

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