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"Why is it that companies try their luck by fighting against my company," I asked frustrated, "It's sort of like a PR stunt really, you're company grew up to where it is quick, so they just want the fame" Gladion answered calmly, He was invested into reading the accusations, "Won't them losing the case cause further damage?" Gary asked, "No..apparently not" I answered rubbing my crown,

it's not the first time this is happening. "You know what, we need to find out why they do this," I asked, Gladion looked up slightly uneasy, "What's with the look," I asked, "You won't like that questions answer, trust me" He answered discreetly, I had more questions but I wasn't gonna ask those, first priority is always at the matter at hand.

On top of all this, I just told the guys about the new building, Which now makes the whole situation even more frustrating. I really do feel like destroying whatever company it is that is trying to fight us, It won't be difficult. But it won't be good for the Company to put growing companies to dust. I just...forget about it, imbeciles.

"Gary, you should leave, You'll have to be at the office tomorrow because of shifting the office building, I've already arranged for everything, all important documents are already being transferred as we speak, So the rest is all on you. The new employees will only join next week" I said, we were in the basement of The garage, With the new building. I had connected both the underground garage and the building's private parking for my cars, I paid almost 8 billion for the building, it's going to have a few luxuries for me, like it or not.

Plus, I really didn't want to travel to the hills just to get some cars, So the private underground parking is Under a building. But not exactly my building, You see, here is the general layout of the street, This whole thing is on Richmond street for reference, If you're coming in from Westwood then that's where the Garage is, Spread over a large area, Ok. Next to the garage is a Full parking spot which is 5 stories for the Office building, it can hold about 100 cars in a floor, It's a smart parking solution,

Now that's what's visible to the outside world, under the parking is my private vault you can call it, 3 Floors for Parking about 150 cars with electrical lines and all the bells and whistles, This is a relatively new thing so only a floor is occupied as of now, It's one of the safest and most secure bunkers in CA or the world, Also the walk from my office to the new office building is almost 10 minutes, that is from my office in the garage through the vault to my underground office in the building.

Obviously, the whole garage building is connected to the Multi-story car park, this includes elevators from each level, I know the building houses around 5000 employees, it's the head office, Most of the workers use their own transportations but some do use bikes or they just walk. So 500 parking spaces are plentiful, Not only that but from my underground office which is mainly again more of a lounge than an office is A private elevator that'll take me to my office on the topmost floor of the building, Where There are just views on views, A full almost 360 view of CA, Similar to my office in NYC, Yeah not everything is done by Gary, Sometimes I go there too ya know?

Anyways, The whole thing is an engineering & architectural marvel, There's no doubt about it, But alas. No one will find out, or at least I hope no one will, the whole cost of actually figuring out and building this thing was about 5 billion dollars excluding all the interior works that were done for the building.

Now that all of the work is done, in this context my work is done I can get back to finishing the 68 Fastback mustang that belongs to a customer of mine.


"I don't know Ash.....you tell me," Gary said frustratedly, this has always been the case when Gary talks about Lillie, he's got the guts to keep her within 50 ft of himself yet he doesn't have the guts to actually tell her that he likes her...ironic...that's what I thought.

"Dude, when you do realise that she feels the same you'll regret all the time that you are wasting at the moment"

by the way, we're here at my office, Paul has already gone home and so these two imbeciles decided to come here and deprive me of precious working time.....plus today some of mums friends are coming over which means that I'll have to "behave", not that I'm indecent it's just the table manners part, I love food and am a foodie at heart and nothings gonna change that.

a few hours later here I am standing in front of my mirror dressed in a simple and causal baby Blue shirt and some grey jeans...I'm also wearing some loafers to match the dress. I still don't know who's coming and it's not like I care who is coming...So I took my MacBook and made my way to the countertop in the dining room. Some half an hour or something later I heard the doorbell ring, "Ash that should be them, Open the door for me while I set the table real quick" Ahh typical mum behaviour...anyway, I make my way to the foyer and open the door.

I didn't know the two people at the door, but I invited them inside with a warm smile and took them to the Living room, I heard footsteps behind me and before I knew it, Mum and the Burnett lady were hugging each other as if they were childhood friends, I don't know her...usually, I know all her friends which are very little by the way...So naturally, I was curious, Although I do remember seeing the guy somewhere.

"Ash...I want you to meet Grace and Matthew Yvonne" She said, I gave Mr Yvonne a firm businessman to businessman handshake and I was about to do the same to Mrs Yvonne but she's like mum I guess, Tight hugger, I literally couldn't breathe, "Grace leave the poor guy, he's turning blue" Mr Yvonne said awkwardly, She let go of me and smiled sheepishly, "Now that you can breathe again, Let's have dinner and get to the important stuff," Mr Yvonne said, Important stuff.....other than dinner?

Food was great as always, Mum always did make the best food, Now though All the three adults in the room looked at each other and nodded as if they were in some high action spy movie, I decided to move to my room but as soon as I left I was being pulled by my collar to the Living room....again.

I'm not gonna lie, I was feeling very nervous, a 28-year-old adult citizen who can vote, Jeez, I looked around to them with my fake confidence in high, I was on the couch, Mum was beside me and The Yvonne's were on the three-seater,

"Ash...I'm not gonna sugarcoat things but frankly speaking, you're getting old and need to marry" Holy mother of Jesus, I wasn't expecting this, not in a million years, Like what in the actual fvck? Me...Marriage.....I'm still bloody young. "I-" I got cut off before I even started, "Now before you go on telling us that you're young and have more life and want to find someone on your own, I gave you that time, And you utilised it for something entirely different, Which I'm proud of but you're not exactly just as good in the love department" I was about to contradict with some inexistent bs story but she continued, "So We decided to get you and their daughter married" What the fvck, I thought she was kidding....but arranged marriage! That's fvcked up, I don't think I've sworn this much since I was 18. But shit...

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