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Wedding preparations were going on in full swing by now, but right now there was a bit more than that going on, the press conference where he was gonna reveal the head of one of the most influential companies in the country was about to air, Serena was the one who selected his suit for the day, all-black Armani suit with a white shirt and black tie the whole suit accentuated his muscles and kept a professional and strong aura around him, Paul was also wearing office clothes for once, Delia was bit worried but she kept strong because Serena was by her side, hell even the two dogs who had now become really big were by the TV.

The conference was being held in the New TEAL Inc. building, speaking of the building, new vehicles ran along the length of the road by the skyscraper, the news reporters and their camera crew along with multiple journalists were in the massive conference room inside the building, the head representatives of the Main branch in London were also present in the building, all the employees were anticipating and thinking of who their boss was, except for the lone few who knew.

Ash wasn't overwhelmed per se but he was skeptical of his personal life, he knew that the media will be at his and his families back as soon as the news was out and he was aware of it, but it didn't make him any less worried about it, it's just something about fame that puts him off, yes he is famous around the world as a renowned Automotive designer, but the car community is only so big and there ain't not that many people in it, but as a businessman catering to the needs of humanity with his company's products, that's not a small group of people right there, that's more than 6 billion consumers, across the world, not a small feat yeah?

But at the end of the day he was a businessman and he would do what he had to do to keep his and everyone who worked at his companies jobs intact, Gary was already with the head director's in the conference room talking their parts to the press and answering their questions, Paul would message him when he had to get there, Ash was a bit busy designing yet another kit for the Tesla Model S when he got the notification that he was anticipating, he got into the private elevator, his suit still as crisp as ever and his personally made cologne that Serena loved oh so dearly was what he wore, the ceramic Rolex day-date also added his style factor.

The crowd was busy with their questioning that when the hidden elevator opened up there was pin-drop silence, Ash walked out of the elevator, his Shoes making noises as he walked, he walked and carried himself like the richest man in the room that he was, his very presence made everyone take a second look and gulp, no one made eye contact, some of the journalist that knew him from his other venture after the initial shock smiled at him at which he nodded curtly.

"Good Day to all of you present here, my name is Ashton Anderson Ketchum, I am the owner of TEAL Inc," he said as the cameras started flashing and reporters started asking him questions from left and right, he answered all the important questions till he received a pretty much out of context question, "Are you single!" he heard, he let out a chuckle and answered, "No...I'm engaged," he said, you could make out from his smile that he was pretty happy about marrying Serena, she could lighten up his mood at any given time.

Back home Delia was teasingly nudging Serena as her face now visibly could be compared to a tomato, heck even the dogs were on Delia's side, for once.

Eventually, the conference was done with but most of the Journalists were now standing outside trying to get some exclusives, Ash on the other hand had gone inside to meet his employees, they were all really grateful to him, even though they earned their spots in the company, no other company provides so many benefits to their employees.

It was now almost closing time, Employees were going back home, that's when A beautiful 2021 Maybach S-Class that was specifically imported for Ash directly from Mercedes-Benz of Stuttgart, well its purpose was to give a baseline to make kits on the new S-class and its avatars, this one was Ash's Guinea pig, right now though it looked like a piece of art, the car was a black with teal metallic flake effect to it, the multi-spoke silver wheels that were 22"s along with the widebody kit that made the car look wider and gave it a stance to die for, Serena sat in the car wearing her usual Business getup of a smart suit with the addition of her Sunglasses that she loved oh so dearly, she had gone to the Yvonne Enterprises Head Office after her parents called her after watching the Conference on TV, Ash did own most of the stocks in the company, but he wasn't planning on buying it out, he knew how important it was for Serena and her parents.

She was scrolling through Instagram getting a bit pissed off with all the photos of Ash with other celebrities that had now become the talk of the internet, he said that he was engaged but he never said to who, so the news would try to assume that so and so person may be dating or rather be engaged to Ash, news channels and their speculations. Hump! Serena thought with a pout.

Ash was making his way downstairs in a bit of a rush, He still had to complete the design for his private client on the tesla, Serena said that she would come to drop him off at the Design Shop. He got inside the private elevator from the top floor, Paul was with him, but he did change into more comfortable clothes and had gone back to the Shop by noon, Of course, he did work and complete all his tasks before going back. That was one thing he liked about Paul, he would do what he had to do quickly and efficiently and then get going, he was well worth the pay check's he received as the CEO's PA both at TEAL and 75Garages.

Ash was now walking by the front desk where the receptionist was having a chat with her co-worker, Ash liked that his employees could mix well with their peers and not get their productivity less, he handled the company without directly handling it, the HR's took care of all this and he was pleased to see that they did a great job.

He got outside the building and the first thing he saw was his Maybach, well one of his 2021 S-Class Maybach, the others were in London and Germany. He got towards it and saw the Serena was inside, you couldn't clearly see who was inside, Ash knocked on the passenger window, Serena looked at who it was and smiled, "future Mrs. Ketchum, how was your day" he asked flirtatiously, Serena blushed but hid it behind her blonde hair, "It was very nice Mr. Ketchum" she said back breathily, Ash was grinning inside, he had a surprise for her but it would have to wait a bit, "So can you drive me to the shop, after that I have a special surprise for you" he said and got inside after putting his case in the back seat and taking his Porsche Design glasses.

Soon enough Ash was at the design shop and he wasn't all that late, he had removed his suit and was now only wearing his shirt, he rolled up his sleeves and now his tattoos were visible and Serena couldn't help but lick her lips, unfortunate to her everyone there saw it and were now making fun of her.

Ash had told his workers at the garage that he was the CEO of TEAL Inc, they took it well and didn't treat him any differently, Ash liked that, he wasn't some god, he was just as normal a person as the other man. He had completed and showed the Model S design and the client loved it, he was now really planning on getting interns to help in the design process.

This time around Ash was driving and they were talking, but Ash had blindfolded Serena, this was her big surprise or rather their big surprise, a few more miles later they were at the destination, the dream house, "I do hope that you'll like this sere" he said as he removed the blindfold, the golden hour sunset was going on as Serena first set her eyes on the mansion, the whole thing was In a sandstone architecture, it had the right mix of modern and ancient architecture, Ash had custom built this house, he helped in designing the place and the place was huge and modern, there was even an underground vault for some of his cars, 10 in specific could be parked underneath, there was an additional 4 car garage and driveway.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! I LOVE IT!!!" Serena all but squealed as she ran in to explore, Ash chuckled and walked behind slowly as he entered the house...he really did love this point of his life.

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