Chapter Six

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Author's note

Before I start this chapter, there are a few reminders.

First, this fanfiction does not intend to offend or misinterpret any culture, belief, or religion in any way.

Second, it should be noted that in this story, Krist and Singto have the same religion: Christianity.

Third, the wedding ceremony that will be shown does not follow the typical setup, more of that explained at the end of the chapter.

Fourth, I apologize if there are any problems with the way I will write their wedding ceremony, or even in any part of this story in general. Please do tell me (through message) if I have done something wrong.

Lastly, this story is completely fictional. Please always remember that.


Flowers. Bells. Guests. Whites.

People are frantically running and pacing back and forth, leaving from one room to the text, either carrying chairs, wine glasses, make-up kits, flowers, or decorations. Nan was seated inside a private room with her husband and Boonrod, hearing the faint sound of the organizers outside.

She had just seen her son in the other room, who was currently being taken care of by make-up artists and hairstylists. She heard Boonrod speak, "This is finally the day."

"Yeah, to think that we just casually talked about this one day, huh?" Jack replied, chuckling.

"Do you think we made the right choice?" nan asked, causing the other two to become silent in pondering.

Jack put a hand on her shoulder, rubbing it to comfort her worries, "At the end of the day, they are the ones who will have the final say. And they chose this."

Boonrod nodded, knowing where Nan's concern came from, as he was worried that his son would regret everything, "Singto and Krist are both old enough to not be forced into something they don't want to. I think they'll be just fine."

"By the way, have you seen your son?" Nan asked, remembering that they were supposed to be getting ready by now.

"Yeah, I just met him a few minutes ago, he's pretty frazzled."

"Krist is exactly the same, mumbling nonsense while he stared at himself in the mirror," with that, all of them laughed. Their sons were truly meant for each other.

In the dressing room, Krist was finally dressed up and styled, ready to go through with the wedding. Politely asking the others to leave the room, he looked at himself in the mirror. Only then he noticed that his hands were shaking, his palms were sweaty, and his breath was labored.

Gulping, he returned himself a look of determination, he's getting married today and nothing will change that. But was it really what he wanted? He's only been in one relationship and now the second one, he's getting tied down after two weeks of the first meeting. Krist was not feeling doubtful of his decision, somewhere in his heart screamed for him to get married to his fiancée. And as usual, his heart prevailed over his mind, leaving him with a final decision of making this wedding happen.

The emotion manifesting in him now was fear. He was terrified of everything that will happen after the wedding. How were they going to live life as husbands? He was not used to relying on someone else and being someone's other half. He's never been someone's person, someone's someone, someone's life partner. He was afraid of failing as a husband, of not being up to Singto's standard, or disappointing his parents.

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