Chapter Twenty

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It has been a while since Krist has ever gone out on a date since he married Singto. He wasn't much of a date planner, but he was still always giving the effort to make a date worthwhile. Now, even with his extremely busy schedule from the numerous press tours and performances now that he has released his new album and all the interviews were done for his previous works in acting, he did not expect this to happen.

It goes like this: He and Singto were having their regular peaceful Wednesday dinner— one of the very rare times they have done it due to their busy schedules. He made sure that they were both free that night just so they could properly catch up and become normal househusbands for once. They were dressed in comfortable clothes, and eating one of his usual dishes: fried rice.

It goes like this: Krist was laughing about one of Singto's stories of their staff misplacing the clapperboard and replacing it with a notebook and a pencil. It goes like this: Singto waited for him to cease his laughter and smiled at him warmly, reaching out his hand and holding the younger's, rubbing his thumb over it. It goes like this: His lover's smile widened as he asked in the middle of their dinner, "Would you like to go on a date with me this Friday?"

And it goes like this: Of course, Krist said "yes" without any doubt in his mind.

This is why he ends up like this: A scrambled mess, acting like a teenager going on a first date. They had gone on dates before albeit he would call them "informal" ones, as they weren't planned nor properly initiated by either of them. It made him realize that they had never gone on a proper date before and this made him feel giddy yet nervous inside.

It was now Friday post-noon, he was pacing around in the master bedroom, a set of three outfits laid on the bed. He could guess that his husband had already prepared for the date and knew what he would wear as he just told him to "be ready at the entrance at 5 PM". He brought both Pluto and Muffin with him in the room, needing some sort of moral support. He couldn't contact most of his friends right now as they knew Fridays were busy, but he and Singto took the day off for their date.


The tiny sound came from his fluffy cat, resting her chubby feet on the floor. More likely, her whole body was resting on the floor albeit it was considered as her standing up. "Hello, baby. Can you help papa with his date tonight? He's going on a date with the most handsome man in the world!"

He picked her up and cuddled with her, gently setting her down on the cat seat they bought for her when she learned how to climb them. He could see a side-eye from his other cat who was peacefully lounging on the bed, curled up into a ball, "Pluto, don't give me that look."

He could already hear his best friend's voice ringing in his ears, "don't be an idiot and stop fussing like a toddler. You'll be fine."

Krist knew that whatever he wore tonight would not change Singto's perception of him; as he has been reassured time and time again that he was always beautiful in his lover's eyes, even if he was wearing stained pajama pants in the middle of the day. He was told to dress 'casual' if that's any clue on what he had to wear, truly, it made him a little more confused.

Of course, he wanted to impress his husband, who wouldn't? When you have the country's hottest man as your lover, probably the smartest (at least in his eyes), he wants to measure up and be worthy of someone like him. His blessing was having an abundant wardrobe, but it could also be his curse.

He looked at his opened messy closet and his bed occupied by two mismatched outfits and two bored cats. He sighed, this is going to be wonderful.


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