Chapter Eight

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He felt warm. The temperature on his body right now was perfect, a little cold on the outside but ultimately a delicious warmth on the inside. Krist felt a soft object under him; it was the thing that kept him in this perfect state. Sighing in content, he snuggled closer to the object, which was oddly moving up and down. His brows furrowed as his hand reached out to touch the object.

Feeling a small rumble and hearing a husky chuckle, he blinked his eyes open and looked up to see his husband smiling down at him. Realizing that he was quite frankly clinging to this man's chest for the past few minutes, his mind went into panic mode as he struggled to find words to say, detaching himself from the other, "I- um, I'm-"

But he has softly pulled back again and landed on Singto's warm embrace. The older wrapped his arms around the other's body, snuggling his head into the crook of the other's neck, "It's still early, Krist. You're cold, right? Let's sleep some more."

"W-what?" Krist stammered, his face heating up as he felt his husband continue to snuggle him into his arms.

It was bright outside as the beautiful sunlight permeated through the glass windows. They saw a beautiful view of the beach outside, and then they remembered that they had itineraries to go to today.

Knowing that this was a viable excuse to escape this situation, as much as his heart wanted to continue snuggling to his husband, he pushed the other. He detangled himself from him, "P'Sing, I just- I remembered that we have a day tour today. We need to get ready. I-I'll take a bath first."

Singto watched him, amused that his husband was frantically grabbing the towel from the cabinet and dashing to the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

Inside the bathroom, Krist stared at himself in the mirror, forcing himself to calm down his racing heart. Taking a deep breath, he slapped both of his cheeks, "Calm down. Calm down, Krist."

When they were both ready and dressed to start their day, they took all the things they needed, Krist bringing a small bag while Sinto brought a bigger bag, puzzling to Krist, but he shrugged it off.

Arriving at the lobby, they were greeted by the breakfast buffet laid out for the guests. Taking their seats, they went and had breakfast together, enjoying each other's company as they quietly ate.

Singto was impressed with the hotel that Mae Yui booked for them. They were only given three nights and two days for their honeymoon, and he would have wanted more, but there was work waiting for them back at home. He remembered preparing all the schedules and workshops they needed to do before shooting, and he has already emailed his whole production team about it. Krist included, but they chose not to discuss much of their work as they were supposed to relax on this honeymoon.

They were set to go on a tour, first visiting the famous Coral island, then parasailing; they would have dinner at the hotel. The couple finished their breakfast, both full and ready to go to the island. Mae Yui has suggested that they book a private tour guide, but they decided to explore themselves to have more flexibility.

Singto was driving them to the nearby parking lot on the pier, and Krist was looking outside. He's been here before; however, he never got the chance to explore the place. On the other hand, his husband looked dashing in his unbuttoned blue shirt over a white tank top. He realized that they were matching. Gasping, he quickly covered his mouth, which was noticed by the other.

"Something wrong?" Singto asked, glazing at him as he continued to focus on the road.

"Nothing. Nothing's wrong," the younger dismissed it as he turned to the window. Singto turned the vehicle, and they were now starting to park.

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