Chapter Fourteen

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Alcohol is made by fermenting sugar in food through the help of yeast, commonly found in drinks such as wine, beer, and spirits. The amount of alcohol present in a drink depends on the drink itself and will cause immense effects on one's consciousness and body with the variation in dosage. Krist knows all of these, it was Drinking 101. He knows the science behind it, and also the experience that comes with it.

He's not a person that particularly likes the taste of alcohol, he used to hate even the smell of it. And he also drank on special occasions only like celebrations, hangouts, and occasions. There were a number of times wherein he ended up shitfaced drunk like vomiting on his best friend's arm, or dancing to a random K-pop song in his underwear in front of his father. The aftermath of those nights was never worth it as he was always blackmailed with golden footage.

For Krist's friends, this was the highlight of his mundane life. Whenever he gets drunk, it was always a feat for the people around him, he never did anything offensive or harmful, albeit the things he did were humiliatingly idiotic and oddly, honest.

There are different types of drunk. The Emo Drunk, which is composed of sad depressive emotions being brought out by a bad breakup or a hopeless case. The Serious Drunk will randomly blurt out incredibly mind-bending facts about life, love, and the world. The Sleepy Drunk who just drops passed out on the floor with a bottle of rum in their hand. And last but not the least, the Happy Drunk; a person influenced by alcohol and does crazy things without any filter holding them back.

As many people have guessed and witnessed, Krist is a Happy Drunk; and quite frankly, a very honest drunk. He tends to spill out his emotions and thoughts freely, and also giggle nonstop. He's quite a class clown, also meaning that he's very loud, and can be a bit obnoxious when the energy becomes too much. But people find the greatest entertainment just by watching him go on about his passion with engravings on drumsticks or the fact that the famous director Prachaya Ruangroj is so handsome in award shows and on Instagram.

Currently, it was a good thing that they were not in a fancy event filled with highly alcoholic drinks at their expense, and it was just a regular bar named Sun St. that has become their favorite hangout place for drinks. Krist couldn't remember the last time he went here given the fact that he was busy with his projects as well as his married life.

"Mike, why does the place look empty?" asked the actor, looking around. New and Gun were following them from behind, also looking puzzled.

"I called in a favor from the owner since I figured you would want a more comfortable place," Mike smirked, "also, so you don't make a fool out of yourself in public when you get drunk."

"I'm not going to get drunk, you ass. Not again," Krist glared at him, glancing at the two people behind him who were shooting them knowing grins.

"I think the last time you got drunk, you stalked P'Singto's profile on Instagram and gushed about how he would be the perfect boyfriend and how he can direct you in bed," Gun said, amused at the gradual blush forming on Krist's features, New snickered beside him.

"You also threw up like a whole bucket worth of KFC fried chicken, so that's a plus," New added.

"This is why I don't like to drink," Krist sighed, sitting down at the booth in the middle of the room, the others did as well. He noticed that there were still a few missing people, "Where are the others?"

"Tay said that they'll accompany Singto to stop at a restaurant to buy food for all of us," Gun nodded at New in agreement. Mike leaned back in his chair, "Why don't you ask your husband?"

"Well, he texted me a while ago that he'll see me tonight, but he didn't say anything about the restaurant."

"P'Tod, can you get us eight beers?" Mike raised his hand and asked the bartender manning the counter, and he was answered with a nod, "Beers are tolerable for you, right?"

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