Chapter Eleven

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He didn't know if it was pride or shame that kept him from looking in his husband's direction.

The next day after their small spat at dinner was terribly awkward for the two. They still went to work together, yet they both had bags under their eyes– they didn't sleep a wink. The cast members definitely noticed that something happened between the two, and yet they can't say a word about it, afraid that one would snap at them.

Only exchanging a few words or so, the newlyweds have managed to get through the day without touching the elephant in the room.

One would think it's just a day; what could happen next? But the truth is, it's not just a day. This continued on for a week; it was pure suffering. Every day, Singto would get mad at himself for even making Krist sad and would force his conflicting emotions to calm down and try to apologize to Krist. His husband never did anything wrong in the first place; it was all his stupid feelings that plagued his mind.

It was a Sunday morning. Exactly eight days after their fight. Neither of them had any work scheduled, no interviews, nor advertisements. Since that awful night, Krist continued to sleep in the extra bedroom, and Sinto wasn't able to say a thing about it. He woke up feeling as terrible as he did every passing minute he and Krist weren't on good terms.

He got up and went out of his room, treading down to the kitchen to face the awkward tension he was about to experience. However, as he went down, no one was downstairs. Not a drawer open or stovetop lit. No one had come down yet.

This was particularly odd for Singto because Krist would usually wake up earlier than him and prepare breakfast, even if they were fighting.

He looked outside to check if Krist took the car but remembered that he didn't know how to drive. He may have asked one of his friends or his manager to take him somewhere, but he doubts that highly. Krist never left without leaving a notice.

Krist was probably just sleeping in his room, Singto thought. Maybe he should check on him. Deciding to go back upstairs and visit his room, he knocked on the door.

"Krist? Are you awake?"

There was no response whatsoever. A few moments later, he heard a painful moan and then a thud. Worried, Singto turned the knob and opened the door, "Krist? Ar–"

His eyes landed on a figure covered up in blankets on the floor beside the bed. Singto panicked and rushed to him, "Krist!"

Gathering the man in his arms, he placed him back on the bed gently, noticing that Krist's face was red and he was frowning. Singto placed his hand on Krist's forehead, feeling the temperature, and he was burning.

Krist has a fever.

Still, with closed eyes, Krist was rolling around the bed, seemingly having a nightmare. Singto needed to get things to take care of him, so he rushed out of the room and downstairs, telling him, "Wait here, Krist. I'll be back."

Sigto went back to the room, carrying a bowl, a bottle of cold water, medicine, and a towel. Placing the things on the bedside table, he poured the cold water inside the bowl and used a towel to soak it up. Wringing the towel to get rid of the extra water, he placed it on the forehead of a heavily breathing Krist, who had his eyebrows furrowed; he was whimpering in his sleep.

"...P'Sing..." Krist mumbled when he felt the towel placed on his forehead; his forehead creases faded as his face relaxed.

Singto froze, hearing his name come out from the other's mouth. Krist was dreaming of him. Although his face relaxed, Krist still had a frown on his face.

His temperature was still too high for him to have enough energy to wake up. Quickly taking his temperature, Singto decided to wait for a few minutes to wake him up and change his clothes. He also needed to prepare breakfast.

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