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Hey everyone! I know my last A/N wasn't particularly 'interesting' to read, but I hope you'll take the time to at least skim through this one!

I hate to waste people's time, so I'll make this pretty quick.

I'm stressed. My latest chapters aren't doing too well, and I feel self-conscious about everything I post, and everything I do. This isn't too good for my mental health, as you can imagine. 

But I'm putting all that bs aside, and I'm so thankful for all of you! Lover Boy recently reached ONE HUNDRED views, and now we're getting close to 150!! I'm so grateful, and I can't believe that so many people are reading something I made...

As for the plot, don't worry, we're reaching the juicy bits! I'm pretty damn sure that the next chapter will be my best and longest yet (knock on wood), so I hope you stick around to read it. Although, it might take me a long time to write such a massive plot point!! 

So, to thank you for 100 views, and to keep you satisfied until Chapter 5 comes, here's some art I made! 

Just an altean statue, it was probably in the courtyard of Allura's palace (back when Altea wasn't in little bits :D)

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Just an altean statue, it was probably in the courtyard of Allura's palace (back when Altea wasn't in little bits :D)

Thanks again, and enjoy the story!! 

- mayhem out

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