Chapter 8

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Once Pidge had found Lance's things on the floor and counted a missing pod, everyone gathered in the Great Hall to discuss everything. 

Back in the room where everything started. Or- er- ended?

Hunk scanned the room, reading everyone's faces. Allura was obviously fuming, she truly believes that it was Lance's fault he disappeared. Why did she always hate him the most?

There must be a shred of guilt in there somewhere. SOMEWHERE. 

Hunk started to stare at her, narrowing his eyes, but he quickly moved on to the rest of the team.

Coran and Dest were both stressed out, obviously. Dest probably thinks that it was their fault Lance left... poor alien. 

Pidge and Shiro looked slightly worried. Like a child would be if they lost a leaf in the wind. 

Keith was standing at the edge of the room, arms crossed, staring angrily at the floor. He was always the easiest to read, but also the hardest at the same time. 

...What if he's... -

But Hunk's thoughts were interrupted by a loud sigh from Shiro. "C'mon. We have to get ourselves together. So Lance left? We can always find him!" The team looked at him skeptically, "And we have Dest! We can wait."

"Lance will come back soon. Plus it's not like he can survive without us. He needs us."  Pidge followed up.

Hunk's eyes immediately darted to Keith. The purple eyes showed a glimpse of anger, audacity, maybe even sadness? And then they quickly focused back onto the floor, showing no other emotion. 

"I'll get started trying to find the pod's frequency. It's an old model though, so it'll take a few days." Pidge took her laptop off the table and left the room. 

Allura followed Pidge with her eyes as she exited, making her own way out as well. Coran hugged Dest tightly, and whispered something into their ear, making them lighten up a little, and the two filed out of the room as well. Shiro sighed and then followed suit.

That left Hunk and Keith. Alone.

"Hey, Keith." Hunk walked a little closer to him, "You seem worried about this whole thing. Wanna talk about it?"

Keith looked up, and in a brief moment, Hunk could see hope, sadness. He almost seemed... lonely

"I'm not worried. Lance is just an idiot." Keith rubbed his eyes and quickly dashed out of the room. "Just leave me alone."

As the doors closed, Hunk thought about what it must have felt like for Lance. Half the team didn't seem to care at all, they thought he was replaceable. Replaceable. Replaceable. REPLACEABLE.

The yellow paladin wiped a tear from his eye and clutched his chest. How did I miss this? I'm no better than them. I didn't try to stop the abuse. I didn't even talk to Lance about it... And I call myself the emotional one.

I just hope I'm not too late.

(My favourite cinnamon roll. And my OTHER favourite edgy cinnamon roll.)

(Sorry, this is a twinge rushed, I'll have more time to write because of spring break, though!)

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