Un-Hiatusing (A/N)

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Guess who's back? Back again. Mayhem's back, tell their friends. 

Lover Boy is back! It's been... 1, 2, 3... 33 days since I took a break from this fanfiction and retreated. I've made a poem book and a mythology oneshot since then, and now I'm feeling energized and ready to conquer chapter 8!

All the support lately has been OVERWHELMING (in the best way possible), and I had no idea that my fanfiction would reach almost 1000 views in a few weeks!!

I love you all, thank you again, and hopefully, chapter 8 will be coming soon! Lots of ideas, lots to do, but for now, stay gold.

-mayhem out  

(BTW sorry for the unceremonious entrance, I wish this was longer)

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