Chapter 19

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Vote if FOUR is the best album the boys have ever made:-) :-) :-) :-) :-)


Third Person POV

Harry's head snapped up towards the sound of the door being slammed open. He heard a light gasp and his head turned to see the shocked face of his boyfriend. Louis mouth was wide open as the tears began to flow down his cheeks.

Harry had his penis hip deep in Caroline. He appeared to have been fucking her senseless before his boyfriend had interrupted their moment.

''Its not what it looks....'''

''You bloody bastard'' louis cut him off ''You told me it would never come to this. You told me this would never happen'' Louis yelled at harry pulled out of Caroline while she tried pull the covers over herself. ''You told me you love me''

''I'm so sorry Louis . I was drunk and she jus-'' harry tried to explain but was interrupted by a smirking Caroline. ''No you weren't''. Harry glared at her making Louis gasp again. ''This isn't the first time?" He hissed as the tears rolled down his face faster but Caroline smirked then answered the question for harry. ''Of course not'' she began to walk over to the bathroom door wrapped in the bed covers. Grabbing an onsie on the way she turned back to the two boys giving Louis an evil grin, ''What do you think he doing when he told you he had a dinner date with me''. She winked then closed the door shut a leaving the room silent.

''You were lying to me? All this fucking time you were lying to me?'' He asked harry making him grimace at Louis sad, squeaky voice.

''Of course I was'' harry started but Louis cut him off with a hiss. ''Save it, you fucking bastard. I'm done with you. We-'' he indicated between himself and harry ''are over''.

Louis then turned on his heals and ran out of the bedroom not forgetting to slam the door right as harry began to follow him making the curly hair boy howl from the impact on his nose.

Louis ran out of the house slamming the door as hard as he could making the house shake. He heard Harry's worried voice as he ran down the stairs screaming his name for him to stop ''Please Lou, wait up. You have to let me explain!!!" Harry shouted but the crying boy ran down the driveway. Harry burst through the door just as Louis stepped foot on the road.

''Please Louis, let me explain'' harry pleaded again but Louis just shook his head before turning towards Harry's direction. He was standing in the middle of the dark greyish black road.

''It wasn't what it looked like Lou, I swear'' harry shouted.

''Don't you even dare lie to me again. I saw what I saw and I'm pretty sure it wasn't my mind playing tricks on me'' Louis screamed as the tears continue to flow out of his red puffy eyes. ''You told me you weren't sleeping with her when in reality, you were fucking her behind my back. Cheating on your own boyfriend with your fucking beard''.

Louis stopped to catch his breath before a thought crossed his mind. ''Did you even love me, harry'' he asked in a whisper, but before harry could answer him, the roaring engine of a race car was heard. Louis turned to the sound as he heard the honking of the horn followed by tires screeching on the road.

''Louis look out...''

But the sound of Harry's worried, husky voice was cut off by the slamming sound of the red race car colliding Louis body and the crunching sound of bones under the tires.

Harry stood frozen in the driveway as the car picked up speed and drove away leaving Louis slightly breathing body on the road as blood drained profusely forming a red pool around him.

A few minutes past before the half naked, curly head lad was rushing towards his injured boyfriend. As he kneeled beside the barely alive boy, he began to scream for help which immediately came from Caroline who had phoned the ambulance after hearing the frantic shouts of Harry.

Louis eyes began to close and harry quickly cradled his bloodied body to him. ''Stay with me Lou. I love you god dammit but you need to stay with me. I want to have babies with you and for us to get married and...'' he stopped as tears clouded his eyes and dropped unto Louis scratched up face.

Louis smiled weakly at the boy he fell in love with years ago before whispering, ''I love you Has, but I hate that I love you. Tell the boys and me parents that I love the....'' his voice wandered off as his eyes fluttered shut.

The loud siren of the ambulance could be heard in the distance as they neared the spot where Louis and harry was. ''You hear that Lou'' the boy whispered as he stroked his boyfriend cheeks. ''The ambulance is coming. You're going to be okay''.

He stopped smiling when he realized that that Louis didn't respond to him.

''Louis'' he shook the cradled body in his arm gently. ''Louis did you hear me?'' He continue to shake the body but got no response. Suddenly louis chest heaved slightly. Then just as the ambulance pulled up, Louis mouthed the words in a voice that will haunt harry for the rest of his life "I hate you Harry".

Harry froze as Louis body went limp in his arms.


Oh my gawddddd. This is the end.


I'm going to be doing an epilogue. Geesh,I'm not that cold hearted.

Anuwhos how was your week? Hope it was better than mine.

Oh yasss. Today marks the 4 years anniversary of the ''its mutual, we've discussed it'' interview and omg I'm Larry AF right now.:-) :-) :-)

Okay, I'm gonna go now. I love you all. Comment your opinion.

Bye cuties. I love you all.:-) :-) :-) :-) stay strong for me.

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