Chapter 6

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Awwwwww wman guys. hey.  I'm so sorry for the late update but iim so caught up with work right now. Plus I've been grounded for doing something i don't even know about. Anyways ill try to do better now. here is the next chapter.  Hope u enjoy


Harry POV

Oh, no this is not good. This is my entire fault. I was so caught up in my world that I did not even realize that I had let go of his hands. I could have prevented this stupid accident if I was more focus. I was frozen on the spot too shocked at the revelation. Then I began to see his eyes closing. That’s when I snapped out of my own world.

“Oh my carrots, Lou. I love you. You gotta stay with me come on. Keep your eyes open.” I cried scarily but his eyes closed and then I was frozen again. The boys came into the room looking frantically around. ”What’s going on Harry? What happened” Liam asked. “He fell downstairs. We gotta help him Li. Come on” I shouted and I started to do CPR on Louis trying helplessly to make him open his eyes but to no prevail.

“Harry you need to stop” Zayn and Liam tried to remove me from Louis body but I refused to move but they continue to try until eventually I punch them both to their faces then went back to Louis. i felt guilty after hitting them but what the hell did they expect. After all, I did tell them to back off.

A few minutes passed before the front door open and three paramedics rushed inside towards  Louis and I with a stretcher and a few medical  bags over their shoulders.

“Sir” one of them grabbed my shoulders explaining to me “you need to step away from the body”. There is no way that was happening and I pushed him away before he grabbed my arms and force me to look him in the eyes “sir, if u want me to help your friend, you need to step away okay?” he asked.

I was scared to let Louis go but I know I had to eventually so I did and the paramedics immediately swarmed around him. They did all these different things that I had no idea what. I looked up to see Niall crying his eyes out while Liam tried to comfort him and Zayn had a mirror in his hands looking at his face. Typical Zayn.

I walked over to the lads and pulled them in for a hug. “I’m sorry” I apologized to Zayn and Liam. “It’s okay mate” Liam said “you were scared and sad. We should have leave you be”. I nodded then grabbed Niall squeezing the life out of him. “It’s going to be okay mate” he nodded wiping his puffy, tear-filled eyes as the paramedics began to lift Louis on the stretcher out of the house. I followed them and I was glad to see no fans outside. Thank God. I mean I love the fans and all but sometimes, they can be too much, if you know what I mean.

“Can I go in the ambulance with him?” I asked the medic with pleading eyes. He was silent for a second but then he said “ok, come on let’s move” I look back at the lads before going into the ambulance “you guys drive and meet me there, yeah”I then went in the ambulance and grabbed hold of an unconscious Louis lands. “Stay strong “I whispered then kiss him on the forehead.

(About 10 minutes later at the hospital)

“What the hell do you mean I can’t see him? We are band mates for god sake” I banter with the woman at the front desk. She was getting me so angry for remaining calm. I mean how can she remain calm when I can’t see my best friend. “Sir” she begged for the seventh time “you cant see him now you have to sit and wait for the doctors to give a report. I’m sorry but please understand”. She looked as if she was about to cry so I stopped behaving like a crazy dude and sat down on the chair in the waiting room.

 I sighed then rubbed my hands over my tired face. What if Louis is dying in there? He needs to know that I love him and I cannot tell him because these stupid nurses wouldn’t let me in. as I thought about this I realized that  when he fell down the stairs was probably the last moment I will be having with him and as it dawned upon me, the tears streamed down my face. 

Suddenly i felt the other lads prescence around me and i tried to wipe away the tears on my face. i removed my hands from my face and looked up at them blankly before they came over to me one by one hugging me. At first i was a bit surprise but eventually i caved into them all. thats when the water flow started up again.

He gotta make it. He jus have too.


hola i amigos

sorry for the late update i was pretty busy for the last couple days. Im grounded from any form of technology possibe. i dont know what i did, but my mom just started jumping to conclusions so i let her be. I wasnt in the mood to fight with her. Right now im using my friend's laptop to type so bear with me for any incorrect grammar. Anyways whats up with u guys. its beenso long. anyone heard about any new larry news. if u have please link me up

alright so i have to go now. love u guys bye

answe this question and ill dedicate the next chapter to u, yeah?


guess what song i quoted in this chapter

It's Love (A one direction Larry Stylinson story)Where stories live. Discover now