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okay...last chappie guys. Vote and comment and please read A/N at the end

A small crowd of people dressed in black held their umbrellas to stop the cold raindrops from hitting them. A brown box stood over a hole in the cemetery as the priest read a few verse.

Tears were flowing down the faces of four young girls and their parents as if it was a waterfall.

Three boys stood next to that family. Although it was raining, they were wearing black sunglasses to shield their eyes from the public. Niall stood between Liam and Zayn who offered him comfort occasionally.

The death of their band mate, brother and best friend had a huge impact on the three boys. Niall affected the most out of the three boys was whimpering from the pain in his heart. Him and louis was very close. They were the ones that kept the band happy and fun. There was never a dull moment when niall and louis was present. They would fool around the most and do lyric changes on stage especially during the song Over Again.

When niall got the news about his best mate death, It was as if someone stabbed him multiple times in the heart then left him to bleed out. The tears just kept coming. His pale skin was even paler than it usually is; his voice hoarse from all the crying over the past few days of mourning and his whole carefree personality just went downhill. He tried to be the happy, bubbly niall he once was but it couldn't happen.

Liam and Zayn just tried staying strong for niall and harry but niall mostly. Of course they were sad. Louis was quite close to the two, especially Zayn. They broke down a few times but it was never around each other or the rest of the band.

Harry however was fine but not fine; if that makes any sense at all. He stood away from everyone else as the priest spoke a few words over Louis coffin.

Harry stood braced against a tree, a few feet away from the mourning crowd. His sore eyes blocked away from the crowd eyes and his body was slumped forward as if he held the world of problems on his shoulder. Since the day louis had died in his arms, it's been hard to keep his life on top. After the paramedics fetched louis limp body away from him a few days ago his life went haywire. He broke up with Caroline,he stopped eating and performing any form of personal hygine, he distanced his self from his families and friends and he stopped singing. Everytime he tried to do  something normal, he ended up remembering louis. There were times he would be sitting on the sofa watching a movie when he would have thoughtas of Louis running down the stairs, jumping onto his lap and cuddling with him. But of course that was never happening again.

Everytime he looked at someone, he rembers the way Louis pessimistic, heartbroken face looked up at Harry when he was on his last breath and the way his  wistful eyes stared up at him. Why did he had to cheat on louis? Why did he had to date a stupid beard? Why did he had to doubt his love for Louis?

He felt ashamed and guilty and that guilt was slowly eating him alive. It was his fault that Louis died. If he had not sleep with Caroline, he could have been on a beach with louis and the boys relaxing and enjoying life. But instead he was standing at a funeral, his bandmates crying their hearts out and his best friend about to be buried ten feet under.

Finally the priest announced the notice that anyone who wants to say a last farewell can step forward. Louis four sisters and his mom dragged their bodies forward to the brown box that held their big brother. Slowly stepping forward one by one, they each whispered a few words before kissing the coffin.

 Zayn, Liam and Niall went over to it slowly. "I love you Lou" Liam whispered before kissing the coffin then stepping back a few steps. next was Niall and Zayn. Zayn had his arm around Niall's waist supporting his weight. His body weak from the lack of food was barely functioning and he really needed someone there with him. "Louis i love you so much pal" Niall smiled then kissed the hard wood "I hope you  make it to heaven after all those stupid pranks we pulled together" Niall chuckled slightly before becoming quiet again as the tears stung his eyes. "I'm going to miss you bud. Please watch over us. I love y-" he paused as a sob escaped his mouth. Liam heard it and quickly rushed over to the two boys grabbing Niall taking him over to the tree Harry was standing under. Zayn stood there silently before bending ver the tomb and hugging it tightly "I love you Lou Lou. I'm going to miss yah so much. Have a good time in the heavens boobear. I'll take care of Harry for you". Zayn pecked the wood then ran over to Liam open arm and began to whimper.

Harry moved over to the coffin slowly. He didn't want to say anything before but Liam encouraged him to go say a few last words. He stood there for a full five minutes before breaking down. Harry body hugged the box as he full on sob his soul away. "I'm so sorry Boo. I alway loved  you and i will continue to love you. I'm sorry for everything I put you through and i promised I didn't mean to hurt you or get you killed. I'm so fucking sorry Boobear". He continue to shout ''i love you's" and "i'm sorry's" until Zayn pulled him away.


It was over.

Louis was gone and buried in the Earth.

Harry had finally calm down after his big outburst and quickly apologized to Louis family for his terrible behaviour.

They were now sitting under the tree, picking on the grass.  It's been hours since everyone had left leaving them alone to ''spend some alone time with their mate''. They were all silent for quite a while.  ''I think Its going to be alright . Everything is going to be fine'' Liam whispered hoarsely. Zayn grabbed harry into a hug followed by Niall and Liam. ''We have each other and that's all we'll ever need. I'm pretty sure Louis is looking down on us right now from heaven'' Niall roughly breathe out. ''I'm also pretty sure that he loves us all''. Harry whimpered at this and niall heard.

''Don't worry haz. I'm sure he loves you too. No matter what you did'' Niall mumbled making Zayn snort in disagrement. Liam smiled slightly, ''I know everything wasn't great between you too before IT happened. But I know for sure that Louis loved you and he still does''.
Harry nodded at liam words as they broke the small huddle they had formed. Once again they looked at their mate tombstone before turning away. ''Its going to be alright. WE-'' liam emphasized ''are going to be okay''.
Niall and Zayn nodded in agreement.

But as the tears began to roll down his cheeks, Harry knew that everything won't be okay. He knew that HE was never going to be okay because after his bandmate and only boyfriend died whispering those words to him, he knew that it was impossible to love again.

That's the end guys. At first I was enjoying this story but then I started to lose interest and inspiration. But then i started to enjoy writing it again. After a few more chapters, my schedule became quite hectic and i had to rush with the chapters. But hey...what the heck!!!!!!!
I finished it aand thats what matters i guess. Anywhos, I wanna give a big shoutout to @pancupapi and @bravery_69 . Awesome chicasand i absolutely loveeeeeeeeeeeeee you cuties. Thanks for being there with me throughout this story and guess what?I love you gals forever and everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Major shoutout to everyone who read this book. Hope you enjoyed it and I love you all to the moon and back. Thanks for the support guys. Stay Strong and always try to put a smile on someones face. Inbox me if you ever want to talk yeah?

Okay. Gotta go. Love yall...byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

(Should I do a sequel???? Comment or vote if i should)

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