Chapter 11

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Hey guys. Here is the next chapter. Hope you cuties enjoy it. Big shout out to @Layandirectioner. She was the last person to vote on this story and I am truly grateful. Thanks love.

Also a major happy belated birthday to Zayn Malik. The quiet and mysterious sex god of 1D. My fave pic of zayn is on the side.

Byeeee:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)


Louis POV

After signing the discharge papers, liam came into my room finding a laughing niall and a blushing harry and me. The doctor was biting his lips, forcing his self not to laugh.

" Whats so funny?" Liam questioned curiously

"Well" niall began to answer "the doctor just told them that they can't have s-mghhhnh" he was cut off by Harry's hand covering his mouth entirely.

But I'm guessing he was too late judging by the smirk on liams face. "You guys can't have sex?" He chuckled.

"Hey, that's what I said" niall shouted at liam.

"This is rich" liam continue to chuckle and of course niall just had to jump in again "heyyyyyy. I said that too". Liam stared at niall and niall stared right back at him. It really was weird because its almost as if they shared the same mind or something like that.

The quietness was cut by the doctor who clapped his hands once to capture our attention. "Okay then, that was a bit weird and creepy but what the hay" he started causing me and harry to laugh while the other two lads blushed away.

" Yes as I was saying before I was interrupted" he continued as he stared at niall then turned back to me "I want absolutely no heavy movements. You need to rest and allow yourself to heal properly." I rolled my eyes mentally. We are 5 rowdy teenage boys who act like seven year old. Do he really think its possible for me to rest. I shook my head slightly and tried to hold in a laugh.

I'm guessing that I spoke out loud because the doctor smirked at me "I know for a fact that you hate hospitals. Therefore I'm going to promise you that if you ever end up in this hospital again for these injuries, I will personally keep you in here for weeks".

My eyes widened in fear and my mouth hang open. "Are you serious?''

''Why yes'' he crackled lowly ''I am most definitely serious. You are the one who need to understand how serious is situation is''. I felt harry arms wrapped around me in comfort. ''Don't worry boo. I'll take care of you'' I smiled then pecked him on the lips. ''I know you will''

''Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww'' I heard the lads voices. The doctor es looked really shinny and well of course we saw it.

''What's up doc'' ''Are you okay over there'' we questioned teasingly. He sniffed and wiped his eyes quickly in stood up professionally. ''I don't know what you guys are talking about. I just got a bit of dust in me eyes'' he looked up at our challenging face and smiled ''you guys are so cute together. Just know that me and my son totally ship Larry Stylinson .

He probably realized what he just said as the giggles rushed out of nialls mouth. ''I meant m-my s-so-on. Yeah he totally ship-- aww shit forget it im leaving. Bye guys'' and with that he fled the room with his rather red face looking like a tomato.

We all burst out laughing but I quickly stopped as I felt e pain flowing through my upper body. Harry and liam noticed and they were just about to ask me what's wrong when Zayn rushed into the room with my meds. He looked green and very sick. To be honest he looked like he wanted to throw up. He walked over to my bed and threw the tablets to me then he grabbed the back of the chair that niall was sitting on.

Liam rushed over to him and rubbed his back worriedly. ''Is everything okay there mate?'' He asked quietly but zayn shook his he slowly. ''Can we please just go home. I just witness an old lady throw up a black glop''.

Nialk once cheerful face became disgusted as well as all of us except liam who continued to rub his back encouragingly.

I drank one of the painkillers zayn had thrown to me which immediately knocked the pain away. Harry helped me off the bed then grabbed all of my belongings and stood up ready to leave. I looked up at niall who was sitting still in his chair. He was now looking green and sick but not as bad as Zayn. Harry apparently saw this too as well as liam and he quickly placed one of Zayn arms around him while he went over to Niall to help him up. ''Come on Zayn. Let's go help niall up then we can go home where you will never see anymore old ladies throw up black g-'' the word was nearly off his tongue before niall heave over Liam's shoes and emptied his stomach on them while Zayn turned and emptied his stomach in the bin.

His horrified expression was enough to make me belt out a fit of laughter as niall sat back in his chair, still looking a bit green. Zayn was sitting on the bed trying to catch himself while liam just stood there in shock. I'm guessing a nurse heard them heaving their stomachs out because a nurse immediately rushed into the room.

''Is everything okay'' she asked rushing over Zayn thinking he was the actual patient. "Yeah. Everything is great dear. Just a little queesy'' he answered. ''Well okay. Just press this red button right here if you''' she pointed at the call button on the wall ''okay''.

She turned around to leave the room when she noticed liam standing there with the horrified expression on his face. ''Um sir. Are y-'' she started but stopped when she saw the vomit on his shoes and a green looking niall sitting in the corner.

''Holy shit dude, that's bloody disgusting'' she stated seriously before grabbing a few paper towels from a small table in the corner of the room. She handed them to liam then she took her leave.

Liam snapped out of his daze and quietly began to clean his shoes. Zayn looked a bit better but niall still looked green.

Harry lifted my bags on his shoulder then went over to zayn and grabbed him up. ''Okay buddy let's go''. They walked over to me just as liam finished cleaning his shoes. He then went over to niall who immediately started to cry. ''I'm so sorry liam. I just found what Zayn experienced'' his face cringed at the thought and he shuddered then continued '' a bit disgusting''.

Liam paused for a moment then slowly walked over to niall. He stooped down low and moved Niall's hands away from his green face.

''Please nialler. Don't cry. Its okay. Everything is okay. My shoes are clean and everything is okay''

''Wait wait wait. Hold on a second. Are you seriously saying that you got sick because I said a old woman threw up a bla-'' Zaym started but stopped when: gahhhhhhhjhhhh

The sour smell of stomach acid and chunks of peanuts and Lays chips appeared on liams shirt once again except this time he didn't freeze. Instead he fainted.

''Holy fuck'' Zayn whispered.


Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this one.  I'm was watching Top Five with Chris Tucker when I wrote this chapter so i really wadnt in the mood tbh. Therefore I would like to apologize for the terrible chapter. Anywhos. Hope you guys are okay. Stay strong and please answer the question and vote pleaseeeee.

Love you all to bits:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)


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