2. Who Are You?

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-Jimins POV-

Its been a week since I brought Yoongi home and its been interesting. He asks alot of questions about anything he sees. Its adorable actually. But he isnt fond of my boyfriend Jae. Which is mutual because Jae hates him for some reason. "Park Jimin? May I enter?" I laughed seeing him poke his head into the kitchen. I wonder if that was a normal custom in his time. Or maybe hes just trying to be polite. "Jung Hoseok gave this to me. Its like a music box." He said placing an ipod on the table. It takes awhile for us to catch on to what he is trying to say. "Its like your music box, but smaller. And it doesnt light up as much." He said pushing the ipod close to me. "My music box? I dont have an ipod Hyung." I said feeling slightly confused, which is a new normal. I looked up to see he looked confused before standing up again.

I watched him smile as he went back into the livingroom where Jungkook was. He came back beaming with a smile. "This is Jeon Jungkooks music box. Its like yours but his is black." Thats when it clicked for me seeing what he was holding. "Hyung this is called a cellphone. We use it to communicate with people. It can do alot of things actually." I explained as Jungkook came to retrieve his phone. "Also, you dont have to sound so formal when referring to us. Jimin works just fine for me." I said putting my laptop away. "Park Jimin has been kind to me. I must show how grateful I am by being respectful." He said quickly givng me a big smile. I was about to respond when there was a knock on the door. I went to answer the door to see it was my boyfriend. I smiled welcoming him in for a hug.

I was surprised to see him since I knew he would be busy with meetings today. He smiled pulling me in for a kiss. "I have something for you. Turn around." I giggled doing as told. I watched as he placed a necklace on me. "Oh Hyung. This is so beautiful." I said admiring the gold pedant on it. I turned to see he was smiling too. Its rare moments like this that makes me fall more for him. He used to be so sweet all the time. But work hasnt been the easiest for him in recent months. "Do you have time for some coffee? I was about to make some." I asked wrapping my arms around him. He nodded allowing me to pull him into the kitchen. "Oh Jaes here." Hoseok said with the fakest smile Ive seen. My friends arent fond of him either. "Hey Hoseok. Hows it going?" Jae said as he leaned against the counter. They talked for alittle bit as I finished making the coffee. I knew he probably had to get back so I poured it into a mug for him.

I walked him out to his car before he pulled me in for a kiss. "Can I see you later? I can come when my shift finishes." I asked as he climbed into his car. "Uh maybe. I might be working late again tonight. Ill text you though. Love you Jimin." He said quickly before pulling away. I sighed watching the familiar sight fade. "Why do you allow this to happen Hyung? You deserve so much more than that." Jungkook said once I plopped onto the couch. I groaned knowing this conversation too well. "I see he got you new bling. I guess another unresolved arguement is brushed off to the side." Hoseok said as he came to sit beside Jungkook. "I know. I know its frustrating. Like I want to believe that this is the real him. He can be sweet." I argued watching as Yoongi came out to join us. "Hey Yoongi. You have met Jimins boyfriend. Jae? What do you think of him?" Hoseok said catching his attention. He seemed to be fiddling with his ipod still.

He tilted his head as if procressing the question. He turned to look at me when he started to frown. "Park Jimin should make him focus on him more. He stares too long at his music box. Park Jimin should be listened to." He said bluntly before turning back to what he was doing. I knew all of this. I know he isnt good for me. And sadly I have had the feeling he wasnt being faithful to me. I just dont know why I can never cut him off. "Hyung, we just want you to be happy. Im sure even Yoongi Hyung can agree. You deserve the best. You give your best to everyone. You deserve to be taken care of." Jungkook said before they both left. I sat back thinking back on how much my life has changed. I used to be so happy then Jae happened. "Hyung? Is it pathetic to break up over text?" I said once Hoseok came in to put his shoes on. "Hes done worse. I say go for it." He said bending over pressing a kiss to my forehead.

I spent a few minutes typing out a good long text before pressing send. I checked the time to see I was still good on time. I jumped into the shower as I allowed myself to think. I felt relieved that I broke it off. I just hope he doesnt make into some dumbass drama. Hes good at that. Hes reallg good at making everything my fault. And I let him do it. Because I thought he loved me. But now Im free. I will focus on myself and be smarter about who I give my heart to. I dried off and got dressed for my shift. I told Yoongi about going in for work and he agreed to tag along. I told him he can hang out in the office or walk around. Its usually pretty empty on Fridays. I love Fridays and Taehyung works today so it will be great. "Im ready Park Jimin." Yoongi said once I came into the kitchen. I nodded grabbing our lunches out. I led the way out to my car keeping an eye out for him.

-Yoongis POV-

I sat down detsrmined to show Park Jimin I knew what to do. I had to have him show me work this saftey strap. Everything in his world is so confusing. But with Park Jimin and his friends I am learning. They are all very kind to me. "Do you need help?" He asked causing me to shake my head. I pulled the strap around and got it to click. "I did it Park Jimin!" I cheered looking up at him to see he was smiling. Park Jimin has a very pretty smile. I enjoy seeing it alot. I waited for to stop moving before climbing out of the car. There is such a long list of word I have to learn now. I added cellphone to my list this morning. "Hello Kim Taehyung." I greeted bowing to him. He is very kind as well. Also hes kind to Park Jimin so Im glad. "Please Hyung. Taehyung works fine with me." He said with a smile as he held the door open for us.

I decided walk around since I didnt get to see this place much the last time. It was undeniably a beautiful place. I saw a big framed painting on one of the walls and went to look closer at it. "The Lost King. Hm." The words beside the painting read. I stepped back taking a look at the painting. I gasped seeing the face of the King painted. It was me. "I-Im not lost. Im right here." I said turning around to see another painting. It cant be. It was a painti g of my parents. "M-Mother. Father. I miss you." I said quietly as I read the words beside it. "Death? What." I fell back landing on the ground. "Yoongi? Are you alright?" I heard Park Jimins voice grow close to me. I turned feeling him pull me up again. "Park Jimin. Im the lost King. Look, thats me. Im King Min Yoongi." I said pointing to the painting watching his eyes widen. I had to know everything he knew. I had to know how they died and why. Was it because of me?


❤Theres alot in this..

Hope you enjoy this long update tk make up for the long wait😫

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